Regional Organisations
- Medicine, Education and Development to Low Income Families Everywhere -Peru-171898
- Asociación Latinoamericana de Organizaciones de Promoción al Desarrollo A.C.,171899
- Calmeadow Metrofund: A Canadian Experiment in Sustainable Microfinance - GDRC 04/01171902
- Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC)171903
- Consejo de Educacion Popular de America Latina y Caribe171904
- Ibero-American Organization for Youth171907
- Inter-American Children's Institute171908
- Inter-American Foundation171909
- Inter-American Health Alliance171912
- Inter-American Human Rights Network171913
- Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research171914
- Inter-American Water Resources Network171918
- Igarape Institute171919
- Latin American Economic Development Association171923
- Latin American Working Group171924
- Latin American Youth Center171927
- OECD - Latin America171928
- Open Society Foundations - Latin America Programme171931
- Pan-American Development Foundation171932
- Pan-American Health Organisation171936
- Partners of the Americas171937
- Plenty International171938
- Pro Mujer171941
- Red de Educación Popular Entre Mujeres de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (REPEM LAC)171942
- Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia (RedLad),171943
- Renidr Cuentas171945
- The Resource Foundation171946
- UN Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean171951
- United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean171952
- UNDP - Latin America171953
- Latin America and the Caribbean - UNESCO171956
- UN Habitat - Regional Office for Latin America & the Caribbean171957
- UN OHCHR - Latin America171958
- UN Women - Latin America & Caribbean171962
- Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)171963
- Wilson Center - Latin America Program171966
- World Bank - Latin America171967
- Catholic Relief Services453389
- Canadian Foodgrains Bank453390
- Food for the Poor453659
- Humanitarian NGO Forum - Colombia453704
- HumVenezuela - Venezuela453727
- Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) 453942
- Pakistan Humanitarian Forum - Pakistan453948
- Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility455435