Climate Change & Natural Disasters
- Climate & Development Knowledge Network - Asia171175
- BBC Media Action - Climate Asia Portal171176
- Asian Development Bank - Environment, Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management171177
- Asia Pacific Gateway for Disaster Risk Reduction and Development171180
- Asia-Pacific ICT & Disaster Risk Reduction Gateway171181
- Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) 171184
- Asian Disaster Reduction Centre171185
- Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN)171186
- R3EADY Asia-Pacific171189
- UNISDR - Asia-Pacific171190
- Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction 171193
- UNEP Regional Office for Asia & Pacific171194
- EJAP - Climate Change in Asia171195
- IUCN - Climate Change in Asia171198
- Asia Society - Climate Change & Energy171199
- Climate Hot Map - Global Warming Solutions in Asia171200
- Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia171203
- Asia Pacific Adaptation Network171204
- Adaptation of Asia-Pacific Forests to Climate Change171205
- USAID - Adapt Asia-Pacific171209
- IIED - Building climate change resilience in South Asia171210
- Asia Foundation - Environmental Resilience171211
- BRACED (Building Resilience & Adaptation to Climate Extremes & Disasters)171215
- Asia LEDS Partnership171216
- CGIAR Climate Change, Agriculture & Food Security Research Program - Southeast Asia171217
- CGIAR Climate Change, Agriculture & Food Security Research Program - South Asia171221
- Wikipedia - Effects of Global Warming on Asia171222
- Dozens still missing after Brazil landslides - BBC News 21.02.23331015
- New Zealand braces for Cyclone Gabrielle - DW 12.02.23328918
- This Year's Top 10 Global Climate Disasters Each Cost Over $3 Billion - CD 28.12.22323393
- Biggest climate toll in year of ‘devastating’ disasters revealed - Guardian 27.12.22323366
- New NASA radar looks to monitor volcanoes and earthquakes from space - NASA 02.04.20204121
- Book: Disaster Risk Management in Asia and the Pacific (Ian Davis, 2014)171225
- Book: Civil Society Organization and Disaster Risk Reduction: The Asian Dilemma (Rajib Shaw, Takako Izumi, 2014)171226
- Book (free online pdf): Strong, safe, and resilient : s strategic policy guide for disaster risk management in East Asia and the Pacific (World Bank, 2013)171230
- Book: Water: Asia's New Battleground (Brahma Chellaney, 2013)171231
- Asia most exposed to disasters, Africa most vulnerable: study - ReliefWeb 03/16171234
- The heat is on to ensure sustainable development in Asia's swelling cities - Guardian 09/15171235
- Report: Weathering it out: climate change and farming in Asia - Oxfam 07/15171238
- Asia: climate change battleground - Climate 2020 06/15171239
- Briefing: Can't afford to wait: Why Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation plans in Asia are still failing millions of people - Oxfam 11/14171243
- Borrowed Time on Disappearing Land - NYT 03/14171244
- Why South Asia Is So Vulnerable to Climate Change - Foreign Policy 04/14171247
- Global warming to hit Asia hardest, warns new report on climate change - Guardian 03/14171248
- Asia tops climate change’s ‘most vulnerable’ list - New Scientist 10/10171249
- Asian cities more vulnerable to natural disasters - Guardian 10/10171252
- Report: The Economics of Climate Change in Southeast Asia: A Regional Review - ADB 04/10171257
- Report: Indigenous knowledge for disaster risk reduction: good practices and lessons learned from experiences in the Asia-Pacific region - UNISDR 02/08171258