SDGs Review & Reform
- *Must read* - Limits and Deficits of the SDGs - a Critical Perspective by BETTER WORLD INFO, 2023 *425069
- UNDP - Anti-Corruption and SDGs425124
- Goals not guns - ATT Monitor 425077
- SDG 18 - It’s time to add Zero Animal Exploitation to the Agenda425111
- Efforts to track illicit financial flows need scaling up - UN Trade 425083
- Inclusion of Refugees in SDGs - Global Rights Defenders425136
- Securing SDG progress and inclusion for refugees - IRC425138
- Three ways we need to change to meet the SDGs by 2030 - UN Global Compact 425146
- Don't Bank on the Bomb - Controversial weapons VS the SDGS425072
- Mapping the impact of illicit trade on the SDGs - UNCTAD 425120
- Putting Animals into the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals - Animal Interfaith Alliance 425109
- Farm animal welfare - The canary in the mine for the UN's SDGs - Food Ethics Council 425107
- Runaway military spending and emissions: an urgent overlooked development issue - Transform Defence 425078
- The Missing Pillar – Culture's Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals - British Council 425080
- The Peace Goal: Goal 16, the conflict trap and missing statistical capacity - Vision of Humanity425074
- Scaling up or losing steam? Parliamentarians debate the future of the SDGs - UN News 13.02.25456922
- A Proposal for SDG 18: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge - NewSecurityBeat 22.01.25454035
- Why Funders Must Step Up Financing for Development in 2025 - Global Issues 19.12.24446411
- Researchers call for reform to UN Sustainable Development Goals ahead of 2030 deadline - University of Bath 14.09.24425065
- Global finance system: Reforms urged to meet SDGs by 2030 - APA 23.07.24425148
- The Sustainable Development Goals: can they be made smarter? - Nature 19.06.24425145
- Digital skills within the Public Sector: A missing link to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals - ResearchGate 12/23425141
- The SDGs Are Not on Track: Here Is What the World Should Do - CFR 10.10.23425067
- SDG Summit: A missed opportunity for freedom of expression and information - Article19 21.09.23425131
- If the SDGs are to survive, multilateral development banks must embrace reform - Chatham House 21.09.23425066
- 10 criticisms of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals - The Africa Report 18.09.23425101
- It's halftime for the SDGs but girls are left on the sidelines - Malala Fund 13.09.23425118
- Missing the Sustainable Development Goals - Citizen Good 12.07.23425087
- Missing the SDGs: Political accountability for insufficient environmental action - Wiley 25.04.23425088
- SDGs without food system reform are missing the elephant in the room - Sentience 31.03.23425114
- Anti-corruption is the missing SDG - Accounting Today 27.03.23425095
- Why we can’t meet the SDGs without ending the digital divide - WEF 22.03.23425143
- “The Sustainable Development Goals under scrutiny” - Open Edition 03/23425150
- Including animal welfare targets in the SDGs: the case of animal farming - OUCI, 2023425108
- Revisiting the Goals of Sustainable Development - Counterpunch 25.11.22423463
- The effect of taxation on sustainable development goals: evidence from emerging countries - Science Direct 09/22425122
- Missing in our SDG goals: The welfare of animals - HT 23.07.22425092
- Mainstreaming animal welfare in sustainable development - EU Agenda 05/22425113
- The (Missing) Role of Nuclear Energy in the Sustainable Development Goals - Knowmad Institute 31.03.22425073
- Journal: UN Sustainable Development Goals and the “Refugee Gap”: Leaving Refugees Behind? - Oxford 03/22425132
- Animal Welfare Matters for Sustainable Development: UNEA 5.2 is an Opportunity for Governments to Recognize That - IISD 26.02.22425115
- Entrepreneurs as essential but missing actors in the Sustainable Development Goals - Elgar Online 11.02.22425130
- Why include animal welfare in the 2022 declaration? - WFA 07.09.21425110
- Developing nations push to define ‘unacceptably vague’ adaptation goal - Climate Home News 19.08.21425102
- Report: Guns or growth? Assessing the impact of arms sales on sustainable development - Amnesty 08/21425076
- Beyond Cruelty Urges United Nations to Add Zero Animal Exploitation to its Sustainable Development Goals - Plant Based News 21.06.21425106
- Tax Havens Are Sabotaging the SDGs - Project Syndicate 01.03.21425121
- Alleviating debt distress and advancing the sustainable development goals - Wiley, 2021425151
- Report: The Sustainable Development Goals and Corruption Dilemmas - ICC 12/20425126
- Room for one more? Why tax justice should be the eighteenth SDG - Responsible Investor 21.10.20425117
- The World’s Sustainable Development Goals Aren’t Sustainable - FP 30.09.20425105
- The Missing SDG: Ensure the Digital Age Supports People, Planet, Prosperity & Peace - SDA 10.09.20425142
- The Global Goals: Much nicer than guns - Karma Colonialism 08/20425089
- Priority reforms to advance SDGs and counter illicit financial flows - TI 24.07.20425123
- Time to revise the Sustainable Development Goals - Nature 14.07.20425147
- What should an SDG on the digital age include? - Future Earth 02.07.20425093
- How Animal Protection Impacts All 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals - Animal People Forum 01.07.20425112
- Publication: Military spending and the achievement of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development - UN-iLibrary 06/20425084
- The Missing Middle: Connected action on agriculture and nutrition across global, national and local levels to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Science Direct 03/20425096
- The new indicator on refugees in the SDG indicator framework is a game-changer - JIPS 04.12.19425135
- Including forced displacement in the SDGs: a new refugee indicator - UNHCR 02.12.19425137
- The Missing SDG – what should be added? - TOP 15.11.19425086
- Expansion of sustainability science needed for the SDGs - Nature 24.09.19425071
- Serious about sustainability? Get serious about corruption - WEF 23.09.19425125
- Report: Missing Persons: Refugees Left Out and Left Behind in the SDGs - IRC 23.09.19425098
- Journal: The Importance of the Arms Trade Treaty for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals - Oxford 03.06.19425082
- ‘Missing SDG’ is theme of latest Media Development journal - WACC 15.05.19425100
- Missing Persons: Refugees Left Out and Left Behind in the SDGs - Migration Data Portal, 2019425133
- ‘Invisible problem’ to global priority: The inclusion of mental health in the Sustainable Development Goals - White Rose, 2018425139
- Arms trafficking / Curbing illicit arms is key to achieving the SDGs - Enact Africa 01.12.17425081
- The missing ingredient? Adding knowledge to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals - The Broker 08.11.17425094
- What's missing from action on sustainable development - GreenBiz 17.10.16425129
- Why are languages missing from the Sustainable Development Goals? - University of Reading 09.10.17425091
- Data: The Missing Link in Meeting the SDGs - ADB 17.08.16425144
- Leaving no one (apart from migrants and refugees) behind - New Humanitarian 25.07.16425134
- No sustainable development without tackling corruption: The importance of tracking SDG 16 - TI 17.07.17425128
- Sustainable development goals and mental health: learnings from the contribution of the FundaMentalSDG global initiative - Cambridge 09.09.16425140
- If you really care about sustainable development, you better think about defense - Transparency International 07.06.16 425079
- What's missing from the SDGs - Devex 30.05.16425085
- Briefing: Why criminal justice reform is essential to the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development - Penal Reform, 2016425068
- Effective evaluation for the Sustainable Development Goals - IIED, 2016425070
- Report: Move the nuclear weapons money - IPB, PNND, WFC, 2016425075
- What works and what's missing in the new global goals - Devex 03.11.15425097
- Sustainable Development Goal 16: Am I the Only One Who Thinks It Is a Major Setback in the Fight Against Corruption? - GAB 30.09.15425127
- Five reasons to think twice about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals - LSE 23.09.15425116
- A missing target in the SDGs: Tax systems should not reduce the income of the poor - IGC 23.06.15425119
- UN warned of pitfalls of vague SDG targets - Sci Dev Net 16.02.15425103
- First goal of UN sustainability targets should be to not conflict with each other - Conversation 07.10.14425104
- Transforming the development agenda requires more, not less, attention to human rights - OpenDemocracy 09/14145553
- 7 reasons we need a Sustainable Development Goal on reducing economic inequality - NEF 07/14145562
- Unifying Sustainable Development Goals: How Cultural and Creative Engagement are the Missing Links to Advancement - ECSDEV 01.02.12425099