Reports, Studies & Books on the MDGs
- Financing for development must advance all human rights for all - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 22.11.24441769
- UNDP - MDG Progress Reports (Country & Regional)145146
- Millennium Development Goals Reports - UN145147
- Overseas Development Institute - Publications on MDGs Progress & Challenges - Case Studies145151
- Overseas Development Institute - Publications on Millennium Development Goals145152
- Brookings Institute - MDGs145153
- Oxfam: Publications on MDGs145157
- R4D - Open Access Documents on MDGs145158
- Book: Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights (Malcolm Langford, Andy Sumner & Alicia Ely Yamin 2013)145162
- Book: NGOs and the Millennium Development Goals: Citizen Action to Reduce Poverty (Jennifer Brinkerhoff et al, 2007)145163
- Book: Millennium Development Goals: Achievements and Prospects of Meeting the Targets in Africa (F. O. C. Nwonwu 2008)145164
- Book: Reproductive Health: The Missing Millennium Development Goal : Poverty, Health, and Development in a Changing World (Arlette Campbell White, Thomas William Merrick & Ab…145168
- Book: What Can One Person Do?: Faith to Heal a Broken World (Sabina Alkire, 2005)145169
- Book: The Millennium Development Goals: Raising the Resources to Tackle World Poverty (Fantu Cheru & Colin Bradford, Jr, 2005)145170
- Book: Gender and the Millennium Development Goals (Oxfam 2005)145174
- Book (free online version): Gender Mainstreaming in Poverty Eradication and the Millennium Development Goals (Naila Kabeer 2003)145175
- Report: Assessing Progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Africa - AFDB 11/14145176
- The Millennium Development Goals Report 2014 - UNDP 07/14145180
- Report: The State of the Global Partnership for Development 2014 - MDG Gap Task Force145181
- Report: Implementing the Millennium Development Goals for all - ODI 03/14145182
- The Millennium Development Goals Report 2013 - UNDP 07/13145186
- Report: Putting Progress at Risk? MDG spending in developing countries - Oxfam 05/13145187
- Report: Growing up with the promise of the MDGs: Children's Hopes for the Future of Development - Save the Children / Young Lives 2013145188
- The MDG Gap Task Force Reports 2008 - 2013: The Global Partnership for Development145192
- The 2015 Millennium Development Goals Report (FINAL REPORT) - UN 06/15145193
- MDG-based National Planning: An Assessment - Oxfam Blogs 11/14145194
- Accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals: options for sustained and inclusive growth and issues for advancing the United Nations development agenda …145198
- Paper: More Money or More Development: What Have the MDGs Achieved? - CGDev 12/11145199
- Paper: Do we have the right models for scaling up health services to achieve the Millennium Development Goals? - BMC 11/11145200
- Paper: Socio-economic inequalities and the MDGs: building evidence to support equitable improvement in maternal and newborn health in Asia & Africa - ESRC 07/11145204
- Paper: Can the MDGs provide a pathway to social justice? The challenge of intersecting inequalities - IDS 10/10145205
- Paper: Halving Hunger: Still Possible? Building a rescue package to set the MDGs back on track - Oxfam 09/10145206
- Paper: Who Are the MDG Trailblazers? A New MDG Progress Index - 08/10145210
- Report: Millennium Development Goals Report Card: Learning from progress - ODI 06/10145211
- Briefing Paper: The MDGs and gender - ODI 06/10145212
- Briefing Paper: Economic growth and the MDGs - ODI 06/10145216
- Briefing Paper: Gender-sensitive social protection and the MDGs - ODI 06/10145217
- Report: Human Rights and the Millennium Development Goals in Practice: A review of country strategies and reporting - OHCHR 2010145218
- Millennium Development Goals Report 2009 *.pdf145222
- Paper: Why a managerialist pursuit will not necessarily lead to achievement of MDGs - Oxfam 09/10145223
- Report: The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): A Short History of the World’s Biggest Promise - BWPI 09/09145224
- Report: Beyond the village: The transition from rural investments to national plans to reach the MDGs: Sustaining and scaling up the Millennium Villages - ODI 11/08145227
- Report: Shooting Down the MDGs: How irresponsible arms transfers undermine development goals - Oxfam 10/08145228
- Briefing Paper: Achieving the MDGs: The fundamentals - ODI 09/08145229
- Briefing Paper: Gender and the MDGs: A gender lens is vital for pro-poor results - ODI 09/08145233
- Full Report: Gender & the MDGs - ODI 09/08145234
- Report: Making the MDGs Work for All: Gender-Responsive Rights-Based Approaches - UNIFEM 07/08145235
- Paper: Business and the Millennium Development Goals: Your call to action - Oxfam 05/08145239
- Briefing Paper: Chronic poverty and the MDGs - CPRC 10/07145240
- Briefing Paper: Aid allocation and the MDGs - ODI 04/07145241
- Paper: A Millennium Learning Goal: Measuring Real Progress in Education - CGDev 08/06145245
- Investing in Development - A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals 2005145246
- Gender & the Millennium Development Goals - Gender Dialogue Special Edition 12/05145247
- Paper: Beyond HIPC: Debt cancellation and the millennium development goals - Oxfam 09/05145251
- Paper: Are the MDGs enough? Donor perspectives and recipient visions of education and poverty reduction in Rwanda - UKFIET 09/05145252
- Report: Putting it together AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals - IAVI 09/05145253
- Briefing Paper: Scaling up versus Absorptive Capacity: Challenges and Opportunities for Reaching the MDGs in Africa. - ODI 04/05145257
- Paper: Making the links: women's rights and empowerment are key to achieving the millennium development goals - Oxfam 03/05145258
- Paper: Aid distribution and the MDGs - CPRC 11/04145263
- Paper: Aid Effectiveness and the Millennium Development Goals - CGDev 05/04145264
- Human Development Report 2003: Millennium Development Goals: A compact among nations to end human poverty145267
- Paper: Debt and the Millennium Development Goals: A new deal for low-income countries - Oxfam 09/03145268