General Info
- Millennium Development Goals - UN125814
- Millennium Development Goals Indicators - UN125815
- Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): 8 Goals for 2015 - UNDP125819
- United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - ReStore 125820
- BBC In Depth - The MDGs125821
- MDG Achievement Fund125825
- MDG 500125826
- UNDG - Core Concepts of the MDGs Course125827
- UNDP - MDG Acceleration Framework125831
- MDG Monitor - Track, Learn, Support125832
- CGDev - MDG Progress Index: Gauging Country-Level Achievements125833
- Millennium development goals: big ideas, broken promises? - interactive - Guardian125837
- END POVERTY 2015 - Millennium Campaign125838
- End Poverty 2015 - Millennium Development Goals - Background125839
- WE CAN End Poverty 2015! - UN Millennium Development Goals (official)125843
- Resources: Millennium Development Goals - GUARDIAN125844
- UNICEF - MDGs125845
- USAID - MDGs Page125849
- Briefing Paper: The MDG fundamentals: improving equity for development - ODI125850
- UN Millennium Project (2002-2006, official)125851
- The Millennium Goals - UN Millennium Project (official)125855
- Progress towards meeting the MDGs for women and girls - UN Women125856
- Millennium Express (DAAD) - your ticket to a fair world125857
- 2013 millennium development goal progress index – get the data (Guardian)125861
- Is Military Spending Converging Across Countries? An Examination of Trends and Key Determinants - IMF 20.09.19125862
- Centre for the UN Millennium Development Goals - CMDG (German)125863
- Millennium Development Goals - World Bank125867
- Broadband Commission for Digital Development125868
- MDG Gap Task Force - DESA125869
- Outcome of the UN MDGs Review Summit 9/10125873
- Millennium Promise - extreme poverty ends here (NGO)125878
- Millennium Development Goals (MDG) ! - Wikipedia125879
- UN Millennium Project (needs work done) - Wikipedia125883
- We Can End Poverty / MDG 2015 - UN Summit, New York 9/10125884
- Guardian - MDG summit: Messages from the experts 9/10125885
- 1) Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger125889
- 2) Achieve Universal Primary Education125890
- 3) Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women125891
- 4) Reduce Child Mortality125895
- 5) Improve Maternal Health125896
- 6) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases125897
- 7) Ensure Environmental Sustainability125901
- 8) Develop a Global Partnership for Development125902
- Reduce child mortality - under-five mortality rate, UN MDG125906
- Losing the MDGs to armed violence - Eldis 9/10125907
- Peace Day TV - UN Millennium Development Goals (Archive)125908
- Education for All - Wikipedia125912
- Sir Richard Jolly (UK) - Wikipedia125913
- 2005 World Summit (Archive)125914
- 2005 World Summit - Wikipedia125918
- The End of Poverty - Book 2005125919
- Millennium Summit 2000 - Archive125923
- Millennium Villages - a new approach to fighting poverty125924
- Millennium Villages Project - Wikipedia125928
- UN Millennium Declaration 9/00125929
- International Inequality - Wikipedia125930
- Bretton Woods System - Wikipedia (We need a new one !)125934
- Just Give Money to the Poor: The Development Revolution from the Global South 4/10 (amazon)125935
- Universal Models for Peace (UMP)125939
- Adam Smith (1723-1790) - Wikipedia125940
- Coalition Against Hunger224744
- The Hunger Coalition 224745