Critiques of the MDGs
- Book: The Idealist: Jeffrey Sachs and the Quest to End Poverty (Nina Munk, 2013)145116
- A right to development critique of Millennium Development Goal 8 - OHCHR 12/13145117
- Limitations of the Millennium Development Goals: a literature review - Global Public Health 11/13145121
- Does it take a village? - Foreign Policy 06/13145122
- MDG Strengths as Weaknesses - ECDPM 04/13145123
- Podcast: What’s Not to Like About the Millennium Development Goals? Todd Moss and Michael Clemens Weigh In. - CGDev 09/10145127
- It's Over: The Tragedy of the Millennium Development Goals - Huffington Post 06/09145128
- Paper: How the Millennium Development Goals are Unfair to Africa - World Development 02/09145129
- Reassessing the Millenium Development Goals: Six years & counting down - CAISD 2009145133
- How the Millennium Development Goals Are Unfair to Africa - Brookings 11/07145134
- The Millennium Development Goals: A Critique from the South - Monthly Review 03/06145135
- Briefing Paper: What's Wrong with the Millennium Development Goals? - CGDev 09/05145139
- An Immeasurable Crisis? A Criticism of the Millennium Development Goals and Why They Cannot Be Measured - PLoS Med 09/05145140
- Paper: The MDGs: A Critical Discussion - Trocaire 2005145141
- Paper: The Trouble with the MDGs: Confronting Expectations of Aid and Development Success - CGDev 05/04145145