Military & Poverty
- Perspectives of Moral Political Economy - Vijay Mehta (2010) - Global Vision 2000 - YouTube90980
- The End of Poverty? - Think Again90981
- The End of Poverty? Official HD Trailer - YouTube90982
- India's defence expenditure v social spending debate 10/07 - YouTube90983
- Pope Calls For Less Military Spending And More Development (2009) - YouTube90984
- ARMS DOWN! Campaign - YouTube90985
- Stand Up Against Poverty - YouTube 9/0790986
- Peace for all... Poverty for none !!! - Woopie 90987
- Peru leads initiative to reduce military spending - YouTube90988
- "Stealing a Nation" by John Pilger.90989
- Masters and Slaves - Military Spending - Poverty - War (YouTube)90990
- YouTube - Military + Poverty (by Rating)90991
- YouTube - Military + Millennium Goals90992