Aid Transparency & Data
- OECD - Aid Statistics & Data143023
- AidData.org143024
- Open Aid Data143025
- International Aid Transparency Initiative - Homepage143030
- International Aid Transparency Initiative - Wikipedia143029
- International Aid Transparency Initiative - IATI Standard143031
- Publish What You Fund (Global Campaign for Aid Transparency)143035
- Aid Transparency Index143036
- European Commission 311092
- Development Initiatives Data Hub143037
- Aid Transparency - Reference Materials (IDML)143041
- Make Aid Transparent Campaign143042
- Open Aid Search !143043
- Humanitarian Data Exchange143048
- Open Government Partnership - Aid311106
- The US and Foreign Aid Assistance143049
- Aid Transparency Portal311096
- University of Wshington Research Guide - International Aid Data311118
- Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$) - World Bank311116
- Concerns raised about lack of aid transparency in Australia - RNZ 19.10.22311107
- New foreign secretary James Cleverly must tackle UK aid transparency crisis - Open Democracy 28.09.22311108
- The promise – and pitfalls – of the Aid Transparency Index - Relief Web 11.08.20311113
- 10 years of the Aid Transparency Index—How has the US fared? - Brookings 01.08.22311095
- Aid transparency comes of age - Relief Web 27.07.22311109
- Australia Ranks Among Bottom 10 for Aid Spending Transparency: World List - Global Citizen 25.07.22311112
- Aid Transparency Index finds a worrying U-turn - Devex 13.07.22311110
- Aid Transparency Index 2022 - Relief Web 08.07.22311093
- ICAI criticises UK aid transparency and accountability in new report - Bond, the UK network of NGOs, reacts - Relief Web 29.06.22311111
- The end of the Aid Transparency Index? - Devex 24.06.22311103
- Why development aid transparency matters - Gavi 24.06.20311101
- Aid Transparency Index 2020 - Relief Web 23.06.20311099
- Importance of and improvements in foreign aid transprency - Borgen Project 07.07.18311098
- How better aid transparency will help tackle global development challenges - Brookings 21.06.18311100
- Follow the Money: Using International Aid Transparency Initiative data to trace development aid flows to their end use - Oxfam 06.03.18311094
- Paper: Why Aid Transparency Matters, and the Global Movement for Aid Transparency - Publish What You Fund 01/17311097
- To Make Aid Data Truly Transparent, Publication Is Only the First Step - CGD 19.04.16311104
- Aid Effectiveness: The Role of Transparency - MFAN 12/15311114
- The importance of open aid data to open governance - World Bank 29.01.15311119
- The Money Trail: Ranking Donor Transparency in Foreign Aid - Brookings 09.08.12311115
- Supply vs. Demand in Aid Transparency and Accountability - Aid Data 20.05.11311102
- Greater aid transparency: crucial for aid effectiveness - Research Gate 01/10311105
- Just the Facts: Foreign Aid vs. Military Spending - Summer 2008143053