Liquid Democracy
- Liquid democracy - Wikipedia323521
- Delegative Democracy - Wikipedia167889
- Lewis Carroll - Wikipedia323541
- Journal: Liquid Democracy and the Futures of Governance - Springer323531
- A Contribution to the Critique of Liquid Democracy - Tildeweb 323543
- Clarifying and Defining the Concept of Liquid Democracy - Wiley 25.10.21323523
- Video: Liquid Democracy—A Transatlantic Affair - Interaktive Demokratie 12.07.21323544
- Political Representation in Liquid Democracy - Frontiers In 25.03.21323529
- 10 years of liquid democracy research: An overview - Ejournals 16.07.20323538
- A Contribution to the Critique of Liquid Democracy - IJCAI, 2019323534
- Liquid Democracy: Promise and Challenges - EPFL 15.01.18323533
- The Origins of Liquid Democracy - Liquid Democracy Journal 11.05.17323539
- The liquid democracy journal on electronic participation, collective moderation, and voting systems - LDJ 11.05.17323547
- Liquid Democracy and the Futures of Governance - Action Foresight 03/16323540
- Liquid Democracy: True Democracy for the 21st Century - Medium 23.11.15323527
- Liquid Democracy: Potentials, Problems, and Perspectives - Wiley 29.07.15323528
- Google Votes: A Liquid Democracy Experiment on a Corporate Social Network - TD Commons 05.06.15323535
- Pia Mancini: How to upgrade democracy for the Internet era - TED 10/14167893
- Through Liquid Democracy to Sustainable Non-Bureaucratic Government - Research Gate 05/14323532
- Liquid Democracy versus Direct Democracy through Initiative and Referendum: Which Is Best? - Democracy International 05/13323525
- Video: Liquid Democracy In Simple Terms - PXI 18.11.12323537
- Liquid Democracy In Simple Terms 11/12167892
- Liquid Democracy: An Algorithmic Perspective - Procaccia (Archive)323530