Organize !
- Democracy in Action - wiring the progressive movement75745
- Democracy movements of China - Wikipedia233115
- Everyday Democracy - Ideas & tools for community change233122
- Open Democracy - Open Movements233127
- World Movement for Democracy - Join the movement233116
- New spaces for social movements: Defiance in 2020 - Institut Montaigne 14.12.20233119
- Report: How to start the civil democracy movement - Research Gate 10/18233123
- How to build a successful movement in 4 steps - Ted Ideas 27.04.18233125
- How to organize to win - The Nation 16.03.18233120
- How protests become successful social movements - HBR 27.01.17233118
- The 4 steps to building a successful social movement - Fast Company 27.02.13233117
- Tax Avoidance and Tax Havens; Undermining Democracy - Global Issues 1/1375747
- Watch: How to start a political movement: Rick Falkvinge at TEDxFlanders - TED Talks 20.12.12233124
- 10 Things You Can Do to Start a Movement - AlterNet 5/1175746
- Learning from Obama: Lessons for Online Communicators in 2009 and Beyond - ePolitics75749
- Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements 8/01 (amazon)75748
- Book: Doing democracy: The MAP model for organizing social movements - Bill Moyer, 2001233121
- Book: How social movements can save democracy: Democratic innovations from below - Donatella della Porta233126
- Friedrich Naumann Foundation457032