History of Democracy
- History of Democracy ! - Wikipedia68214
- Why Aristotle Feared Democracy (and so Should You) - Legendary Lore 18.09.24451217
- Teach History. Democracy Requires It. - CD 13.04.23341737
- Video : The Peasants' Revolt Of 1381 - Part One (Medieval History Documentary) | Timeline - YouTube 3/18227670
- Big Ideas That Changed The World - Tony Benn on DEMOCRACY ! - Video 7/0768215
- History of Direct Democracy in the United States - Wikipedia68216
- One Big Torrent - a resource68217
- Athenian Democracy - Wikipedia68218
- Magna Charta (1215) - Wikipedia68219
- Parliament of England (since 1241) - Wikipedia68220
- De Montford's Parliament (England in 1265) - Wikipedia68221
- Popular Revolts in Late Medieval Europe - Wikipedia68222
- English Peasants' Revolt of 138168223
- John Ball (English priest, 1338-1381) - Wikipedia68224
- Voices of the Powerless - BBC Readings on the Peasants' Revolt68225
- Lollardy (England) - Wikipedia68226
- Wyclif's Bible (1382) - Wikipedia68227
- John Wyclif (English theologican, 1328-1384) - Wikipedia68228
- King James Bible (1611)68229
- Mayflower Compact (1620) - Wikipedia68230
- English Civil War (1642-1651)68231
- Levellers (1645-1649) - Wikipedia68232
- Putney Debates (1647) - Wikipedia68233
- A jewel of democracy - Putney Debates68234
- Agreement of the People (1647-1649) - Wikipedia68235
- The True Levellers Standard (Advanced),1649 (pdf) 68236
- Diggers (1649-1651) - Wikipedia68237
- Diggers' Song - Wikipedia68239
- Gerrard Winstanley (1609-1676) - Wikipedia68240
- The Religion of Gerrard Winstanley and Digger Communism - Virginia University68241
- A Declaration from the Poor Oppressed People of England ! (1649)68242
- Bill of Rights (England, 1689) - Wikipedia68243
- Thomas Paine (1737-1809, Great Britain & United States) - Wikipedia68244
- United States Constitution (1787) - Wikipedia68245
- Rights of Man (1791) - Thomas Paine68246
- A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) - Mary Wollstonecraft (UK)68247
- 1789: an idea that changed the world - Unesco 298609
- National Assembly (1789-1791, France)68248
- French Revolution (1789-1799) - Wikipedia68249
- History of Trade Unions68250
- Peterloo Massacre (1819, UK)68251
- Tolpuddle Martyrs (UK in 1832) - Wikipedia68252
- Great Reform Act 1832 (UK) - Wikipedia68253
- Chartists (UK, 1838-1848) - Wikipedia68254
- Video: Michael Sheen Valley's Rebellion (Chartists) - YouTube 2/1568255
- Revolutions of 1848 ! - Wikipedia68256
- Communist Manifesto (1848) - Wikipedia68257
- Democracy among Caribbean pirates - Wikipedia195090
- Abolitionism - Wikipedia68258
- History of the NHS (England 1948) - Wikipedia68259
- Civil Rights Act (1964) - Wikipedia68260
- Decolonization - Wikipedia68261
- Social Movements - Wikipedia68262
- History of Social Movements68263