- Open Society Foundations66439
- YouTube on the Open Society Institute66440
- Forum for a new World Governance - France66446
- Global Network of Domestic Election Monitors - GNDEM66447
- Direct Democracy Navigator66448
- Democracy International66449
- Democracy Without Borders221459
- European Network of Election Monitoring Organisations - Macedonia66450
- Colour revolution - Wikipedia272695
- Local Government & Public Service Reform Initiative66456
- World Wide Direct Democracy Movement66457
- World Movement for Democracy (WMD) - NED funded (USA)66458
- World Movement for Democracy - Wikipedia66459
- Students for Global Democracy66460
- Inclusive Democracy66468
- Global Network Initiative - Protecting and Advancing Freedom of Expression and Privacy in Information66469
- Radical Ecological Democracy - searching for alternatives to unsustainable and inequitable model of ‘development’211416
- Why we need an international movement for a participatory society - ZNet 12.07.1566466
- Video: Davos 2015 - The End of Democracy? - YouTube 02.02.15284741
- Women Redefining Democracy - International Conference 5/0966467
- Progressive International220073
- Progressive International - Twitter220074
- Good Law Project231314
- @GoodLawProject231315
- Democracy Without Borders | International Democracy Community 233734
- Democracy Without Borders - Twitter233735