- Middle East Maps (UT Library)21053
- Historical Maps of the Middle East (UT Library)21054
- Britannica - United Nations Resolution 18121055
- Gaza and West Bank Maps (UT Library)21056
- A year of horror, 76 years of oppression: a visual guide to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - TFF 07.10.24436692
- Tweet: Israel has the audacity to claim that Palestinians want to wipe israel from the map. But in reality who's wiping who from the map? - @Tibou33969029 -07.10.20300600
- Palestine and Israel: Mapping an annexation - AL JAzeera 26.06.2021057
- Jews for Justice for Palestinians - The Conflict In Maps21058
- Reference Maps (Palestine RCS) (Archive)21060
- A Palestinian State splintered by settlements 2/0021061
- Oslo II - 9/9521062
- Coveted water resources 6/0021063
- The Palestinian diaspora 2/0021064
- Israeli territorial proposals 12/0021065
- Israel in Maps (MFA)21066