SANCTIONS Against Iraq
- A little list of prohibited items into Iraq - hard to believe, but true (Archive)23648
- Open Directory - Society: Economic Sanctions on Iraq (Archive)23649
- Sanctions Against Iraq - Global Policy Forum - UN Security Council23650
- Video: The Effect of UN Sanctions on Ordinary Iraqis (2000) - Journeyman Pictures on YouTube 10/18226314
- Video - Usa: Un Sanctions Against Iraq Criticised - AP Archive on YouTube 7/15226406
- Video - Iraq: Baghdad: Demonstrations Continue Against Un Sanctions - AP Archive on YouTube 7/15226313
- Book: Iraq - Amazon 12.02.15454771
- Video : Investigating the United Nations Oil-For-Food Program - Duke University School of Law on YouTube 10/13226407
- Video : George Galloway Senate Testimony (FULL) - MrOrientaloccidental on YouTube 11/12226122
- Video : Reform at the United Nations? Lessons from the Oil-for-Food Program in Iraq - UChannel on YouTube 9/10226408
- Video : Conditions under sanctions on Iraq in 1996 - BertOnIraq on YouTube 9/10226123
- Oil-For-Food: Where the Money Went - Newsweek 11/0523651
- Security Council approves list of revised sanctions on Iraq, extends ‘oil-for-food’ programme additional 180 days 5/0223652
- The Secret Behind the Sanctions - The Progressive 9/0123654
- Office of the Iraq Programme Oil for Food23655
- U.S. Department of State - Saddam Hussein's Iraq - Impact of Sanctions (Archive)23656
- Oil For Food - Office of Iraq Program Documents (FAS)23658
- Sanctions, Genocide and War Crimes ! (Archive)23659
- Powell Is Smart - And Tough - On Iraq 3/0123660
- UN role is tragic and discrediting - Ramsey Clark on Iraq 11/9823661
- UN Fixes Sanctions on Iraq, Seeks Renewed Cooperation 8/9823662
- Biological Warfare Against Iraq: A Supplement to Sanctions - IAC 2/99 (Archive)23663
- Iraq's middle class wiped out - BBC23664
- Iraq and UN agree new aid plan - BBC 12/9723665
- About Sanctions Incentives (Archive)23668
- On Iraq, Pointed Questions With an Edge - Washington Post 27.03.0623669
- Embargo (Archive)23670
- Oil for Food Program of the UN23671
- Oil for Food Program of the UN - Wikipedia23672
- Statement to the Security Council by the Secretary-General on the closure of the Oil-for-Food Programme 11/0323673