- NZ Anti-Gulf War Website22693
- Stop killing the people of Iraq22694
- Medical Association for Prevention of War, MAPW Australia22696
- Medical Association for Prevention of War22697
- Iraq - MAPW Australia (Archive)22698
- Architects for Peace Australia - for urban development based on respect, social justice and peace22699
- Palm Sunday Committee - Walk Against The War Coalition (Web Archives)22700
- ACTNOW Canberra - Australian Capital Territory Network Opposing War (Archives)22701
- NoWar with Iraq - Brisbane (Archive)22702
- NoWar SA - War is NOT a solution22703
- No-War Alliance of Western Australia (NWAWA) (Archive)22704
- LaborNET Australia - No War on Iraq (Archive)22705
- Peace Tasmania22706
- One Voice for Peace - No War (Archive)22707
- Greenpeace Australia - No War (Archive)22708