- Voice of Women (VOW)74786
- Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau - ANCB 74787
- AfghanAid (UK)74788
- SAWA-Australia74789
- Womenkind (UK)74790
- Afghanistan Justice Project - AJP74791
- Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan - RAWA74792
- Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC)74793
- Human Rights Research & Advocacy Consortium - HRRAC74794
- War Child UK - Afghanistan74795
- Baseline Study in Afghanistan - War Child UK74796
- Afghan Women Skills Development Council - AWSDC (Archive)74797
- Amnesty International - Afghanistan74798
- Human Rights Watch - Afganistan74799
- Afghan Development Association - ADA74800
- Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan - HAWCA74801
- Co-operation for Peace and Unity - CPAU74802
- Afghan Child Education and Care Organization - AFCECO74803
- Canadian Peace Alliance74804
- Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies (CAPS)74805
- Bureau for Reconstruction & Development (BRD)74807
- Cooperation Center for Afghanistan (CCA - MZR)74808
- Sanayee Development Organization (SDO)74809
- Afghanaid452867
- Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development452909
- British & Irish Agencies Afghanistan Group453097
- Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees453598
- Swedish Committee for Afghanistan454710
- Norwegian Afghanistan Committee454979