General Info
- Afghanistan - Wikipedia19235
- Portal: Afghanistan - Wikipedia252474
- Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - LastWeekTonight 23.08.21253689
- What You Are NOT Being Told About the Afghanistan War - Corbett Report 10/1619232
- Da Afghanistan Bank253206
- Politics of Afghanistan - Wikipedia19236
- Ashraf Ghani (President) - Wikipedia252471
- Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - President's Office252472
- Ashraf Ghani: How to rebuild a broken state - TED 7/05252473
- Cabinet of Afghanistan - Wikipedia252470
- Mining in Afghanistan ! - Wikipedia19237
- History of Afghanistan - Wikipedia19238
- A People’s History of Afghanistan - Bob Feldman19239
- Afghanistan Matters - Photos19240
- Afghanistan Maps - Globals Security19241
- BBC - Taliban Conflict19233
- Wars affecting Afghanistan19242
- Category: History of Afghanistan - Wikipedia19243
- Kabul: A City At Work / TV - a portrait of a city through its working people ! (great project)19244
- Kabul: A City At Work - Facebook19245
- Afghanistan - New Internationalist 11/0819246
- Afghanistan - The Facts19247
- Kabul - Wikipedia19248
- Preseidents Office19249
- Hamid Karzai - Wikipedia19250
- Members of President Hamid Karzai's Cabinet19251
- Parliament of Afghanistan - Wolesi Jirga19252
- Biographies: Other Important Personalities of Today19254
- Afghan Bios!: Who is who in Afghanistan19255
- Demography of Afghanistan - Wikipedia19256
- Demography of Afghanistan - Ethnic Groups19257
- Ethnolinguistic Map of Afghanistan - U.S. Army19258
- Pashtun People - Wikipedia19259
- Afghan afghani - Wikipedia253205
- Tajik People - Wikipedia19260
- Afghan Refugees - Wikipedia19261
- Afghan Diaspora - Wikipedia19262
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (1996-2001) - Wikipedia19263
- Afghan Legal Education Project - Stanford University19264
- Mujahideen - Wikipedia19265
- Ghost soldiers - Wikipedia252986
- Current Local Time in Kabul, Afghanistan252985
- ‘I remember the silence between the falling shells’: the terror of living under siege as a child - Guardian 31.10.23387640
- Video: The Secret Lie That Started the Afghan War - Corbett Report 09.04.18 ( Must Watch)194820
- Allegations of CIA Assistance to Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia19266
- BBC Profile on Afghanistan19267
- National Directorate of Security - Wikipedia19268
- Who are the Taleban? - BBC19269
- Balochistan is the ultimate prize 5/0919270
- Balochistan - Wikipedia19271
- Afghanistan Online19272
- Afghanistan Online - Links19273
- - Pictures from Afghanistan (Archive)19274
- Interview with the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) - Peace News 5/0919275
- Talked to Death - NYT 08.05.09194974
- Supporting Innovation in Afghanistan - the Experience of the Aga Khan Development Network 9/0219276
- Strange Victory: A critical appraisal of Operation Enduring Freedom and the Afghanistan war - PDA 1/0219277
- Afghanistan is key to oil profits - CRG 11/0119278
- Afghan Myths - An Interview with Anssi Kullberg19279
- Five things you should know about Afghanistan - UNCHR 15.08.22300901