Western Demonstrations
- Guardian - Anti-War Movement79766
- Protests against the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) - Wikipedia79738
- International public opinion on the war in Afghanistan - Wikipedia79763
- Category: Opposition to the War in Afghanistan since 2001 - Wikipedia79764
- ANTI-WAR Assembly - Trafalgar Square, 8 October 2011 - Videos of Speeches (Archive)79739
- OCTOBER 2011 - Stop the machine! Create a new world!79741
- Category: Anti-war Protests - Wikipedia79765
- STOP THESE WARS - Washington DC 12/1079742
- Veterans For Peace Protest War Outside White House - Real News Video 12/1079743
- Thousands take to the streets to march against Afghanistan war - Daily Mail 11/1079744
- Afghanistan: Time to GO - London Demonstration, November 20 (archive 2/11)79745
- Not for the first time, they‘re attacking our right to demonstrate - StWC (Archive)79746
- International Days of Action to End the War in Afghanistan 10/1079747
- Why we‘re blockading Gordon Brown‘s Afghanistan conference - London (archive 1/10)79748
- Military Families Against the War go to Downing Street on Monday 21 December - Tower Hamlets Respect 12/0979749
- Troops Out of Afghanistan - London 10/09 *.pdf79750
- Ten reasons to get the troops out of Afghanistan - StWC Flyer 25.10.0979751
- 24 October 2009 demonstration: The virtual reality version (Video)- StWC (archive) 10/0979753
- Channel 4 Report - Anti War Demo 10/0979754
- 24 October 2009: Landmark Afghanistan demonstration - (LINKS reposting StWC) 10/0979755
- Google News - Afghanistan London March79756
- Rebel British soldier calls for Afghan exit - Guardian 10/0979757
- Serving soldier leads London protest against war in Afghanistan - Guardian 10/0979758
- Rebel serving soldier Joe Glenton uses anti-war march to attack politicians - Telegraph 10/0979759
- Soldier will defy military orders to address demonstration - Global Research 10/0979760
- Protests against the War in Afghanistan since 2001 - Wikipedia79761
- Protesters urge end to Afghan war 10/0979762
- Most ‘remain against Afghan war‘ - BBC 10/0979767