- The plight of women helped justify war in Afghanistan. Now they have been abandoned - Guardian 18.08.21252914
- I am an Afghan woman working for a western NGO in Kabul. I feel forgotten - Guardian 18.08.21252806
- Malala Yousafzai says she’s ‘deeply worried about women and minorities’ in Afghanistan - Independent 17.08.21253233
- The Taliban Claim They'll Respect Women's Rights — With Their Reading Of Islamic Law - NPR 17.08.21255285
- Taliban promise amnesty and freedoms for women and media - BBC News 17.08.21252808
- Video: CNN reporter presses Taliban fighter on treatment of women - CNN 17.08.21252807
- An Afghan woman in Kabul: ‘Now I have to burn everything I achieved’ - Guardian 15.08.21253112
- Afghan women’s defiance and despair: ‘I never thought I’d have to wear a burqa. My identity will be lost’ - Guardian 15.08.21253295
- ‘For as long as we can’: reporting as an Afghan woman as the Taliban advance - Guardian 12.08.21252438
- ‘I worry my daughters will never know peace’: women flee the Taliban – again - Guardian 12.08.21252420
- ‘Please pray for me’: female reporter being hunted by the Taliban tells her story - Guardian 10.08.21255094
- Justice system failing women - HRW 05.08.21252019
- Record number of women and children killed or wounded - Global Issues 26.07.21251199
- Unravelling of women and girls’ rights looms as peace talks falter - Amnesty 24.05.21245259
- Afghan women, girls should not pay for their government’s abuses - HRW 17.05.21244530
- Women, girls, and Afghanistan’s missing justice - New Humanitarian 10.05.21245535
- Afghanistan: Health Care for Women Hit by Aid Cuts - HRW 06.05.21243470
- 'Music is my life': ban on schoolgirls singing in Afghanistan met with protest - Guardian 16.03.21240718
- The young Afghan media worker who risked all for women's rights - Reuters 04.03.21237204
- Three female media workers shot dead in eastern Afghanistan - Al Jazeera 02.03.21237014
- ‘I am not afraid to fight’: the female Afghan colonel who survived the Taliban's assassins - Guardian 24.12.20232851
- Improved Afghan law still fails victims of sex crimes and violence against women, UN report finds - UN News 07.12.20227317
- Women in war-ravaged Afghanistan fight back for their rights - Global Issues 05.11.20222493
- 'Peace where rights aren’t trampled': Afghan women's demands ahead of Taliban talks - Guardian 13.08.20214124
- Women with disabilities face systemic abuse - HRW 27.04.20205961
- Whatever Happened To ... The Afghan Girls Imprisoned For Failing A Virginity Test? - npr 27.08.19228388
- Burqas and empire, again - Al Jazeera 8/13121734
- Afghan parliament halts debate on women's rights law - BBC 5/13121738
- Afghanistan Pushed Again on Runaways, Women’s Rights - VOA 9/12121739
- Urgent need for justice after killing of female official - Kabul Press 7/12121740
- Stop Violence against Afghan Women: EU - Daily Outlook 7/12121744
- Afghans fear mysterious school 'poisonings' - BBC 7/12121745
- Karzai Backs Afghan Clerics Over Stronger Restrictions On Women - RFE/RL 3/12121746
- Kabul at work - Afghan graffitti artist Shamsia Hassani 3/12121750
- Afghan Women & Int’l Day of Elimination of Violence against Women - Daily Outlook 11/11121751
- Rising violence against women worries AIHRC - Pajhwok 11/11121755
- 'I tried to burn myself to death' (Audio) - BBC 11/11121756
- Afghanistan mother and daughter stoned and shot dead - BBC 11/11121757
- EU censors own film on Afghan women prisoners - BBC 11/11121761
- Peace Unveiled (Video) - PBS Women, War & Peace Series 10/11121762
- Stop Women Being Given as Compensation - hrw 3/11121763
- Women's rights in Afghanistan lose steam - CSM 3/11121767
- Bill Would Aid Afghan Women Caught in U.S.-led War - Global Issues 2/11121768
- Afghan women fear losing safe houses - BBC 1/11121769
- Abusive Afghan Husbands Want This Woman Dead - Mother Jones 1/11121773
- Afghanistan's Burned Brides (Photo Gallery) - Mother Jones121774
- Afghan Women, Delivery of Aid Not Helped by Allied Military Gains, UN Says 12/10121775
- Afghan Women Demand Liberation, Not Lip Service - Global Issues 10/10121781
- Laura Bush on the Taliban and women's rights (Video) - BBC 10/10121782
- Afghan Women Have Already Been Abandoned - Nation 8/10121783
- Life Today for Afghan Women - YouTube 8/10121787
- A Warning in Kabul - Daily Beast 19.07.10121788
- The Taliban War on Women Continues - WSJ 7/10121789
- The “Ten-Dollar Talib” and Women’s Rights - hrw 7/10121793
- Talks Shouldn't Ignore Taliban Abuse of Women - hrw 7/10121794
- Secret girls schools emerge in Afghanistan - FT 6/10121795
- Audio slideshow: Kandahar’s secret schools - FT 6/10121799
- Emancipation of Afghan women not attainable as long as the occupation, Taliban and “National Front” criminals are not sacked! - RAWA 3/10121800
- Press Release on International Women’s day - AIHRC 3/10 *pdf121801
- Report: We Have the Promises of the World - hrw 12/09121805
- Abolishing women’s rights: revisiting the Afghan Parliament’s "Shiite Family Personal Status (Rape) Law" - Kabul Press 10/09121806
- Afghanistan: A Free Country – For Invaders and Rapists - 10/09121807
- AFGHANISTAN: "Differentiate rape from adultery" - rights groups - IRIN 9/09121814
- Katherine Butler: Afghan women now face new dangers - Guardian 9/09121815
- For Afghan Women, Rights Again at Risk - HRW 8/09121816
- Afghanistan: Law Curbing Women’s Rights Takes Effect - HRW 8/09121820
- War Complicates U.S. Aid Efforts for Afghan Women - WomensNews 7/09121821
- Bombs will kill women in Afghanistan - RethinkAfghanistan 7/09121822
- Afghan Women Protest New Restrictive Law - NY Times 4/09121826
- Women in Bamyan build a road with their bare hands - UNAMA 3/09121827
- Laura Bush's Human Rights Fiasco - 12/08121828
- First Lady Laura Bush advocates for Afghan women - US Embassy Kabul 11/08121832
- In Poverty and Strife, Women Test Limits - NY Times 10/08121833
- Self-immolation on the rise among women - IRIN 9/08121834
- World must keep up pressure on afghan law against women - IPS 4/08121841
- Bleak prospects for country’s estimated 1.5 million widows - IRIN 1/08121842
- Freedom Called Lethal Risk for Jailed Afghan Women - WomensNews 10/07121843
- Losing Hope - Women in Afghanistan - IRN 6/07121847
- Malalai Joya kicked out of Afghan parliament - RAWA 5/07121848
- Afghanistan: Reinstate MP Suspended for ‘Insult’ - HRW 23.05.07121849
- Forgotten women turn Kabul into widows' capital - Rawa 17.05.07121853
- Women’s hopes for equality fade - IRIN 3/07121854
- Abuse of Afghan women: 'It was my decision to die. I was getting beaten every day' - Independent 24.11.06121855
- The woman who wants to be Afghan president - Independent 8/04121860
- What Do Afghan Women Want? - American Prospect 8/02121861
- Letter to First Lady Laura Bush - hrw 5/02121865
- Afghan Women Today: Realities and Opportunities - UN 3/02121866
- RAWA's Answer to Nay Thupkaew - 9/02121867
- Remarks for Mrs. Laura Bush - U. N. Commission on the Status of Women International Women's Day March 8, 2002121871
- Laura Bush Addresses State of Afghan Women - L.A. Times 11/01121872
- Transcript: Radio Address by Mrs. Bush - 17.11.01121873
- Restrictions on Fundamental Human Rights, Especially for Women, Girls Exacerbating Bleak Humanitarian Plight in Afghanistan, Briefers Warn Security Council 29ز08ز22303032
- High Commissioner calls for Justice and Accountability for women of Afghanistan - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 29.11.24442871