Australia - New Zealand - Oceania
- New Zealand : Climate Justice Aotearoa163951
- Oil Free Otago - to prevent deep sea drilling off our coasts - New Zealand163952
- 350 Pacific - American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru Niue Palau Samoa Solomon Islands Tokelau …163953
- Planet Ark (Australia)163954
- Australian Youth Climate Coalition - AYCC163955
- SEED - Australia’s first Indigenous youth climate network 163956
- SEED - facebook163957
- Climate Action Network - CAN Australia163958
- Climate Emergency Network163959
- Front Line Action on Coal163960
- Australia163961
- Climate Emergency Action Network SA163962
- Pacific Climate Warriors163963
- Climate Action Canberra163964
- Climate Action Now Wingecarribee163965
- YCAN - Yarra Climate Action Now163966
- Australians UNI go fossil free163967
- Climate Council - is an independent non-profit organisation funded by donations by the public. 163968
- Climate Institute to shut down, citing lack of funds for independent research - Guardian 09.03.17163969
- Don't risk the reef - AYCC163970
- Quit Coal 163971
- No New Coalmines163972
- Climate Change Taskforce394663
- Climate Justice Taranaki Committed to justice, action and true solutions to climate change - New Zealand394710
- Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) ( Australia)194163
- Climate Action Network Australia196077
- Zero Carbon Network - activist news and resources (Archive)394708
- Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme455737
- Clean Energy Council 456617
- Climate Action Network Australia (CANA)456618
- Conservation Council of Western Australia (CCWA)456619
- Earth Repair Foundation - Australia456620
- Greening Australia456621
- Australian Conservation Foundation456635
- National Environmental Law Association456636
- Wild Migration - Australia456664
- Sustainable Population Australia456665
- New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES) - New Zealand456683
- Enviro Challenge - New Zealand456684
- Environmental Defence Society - New Zealand456685
- Enviro Challenge - New Zealand456686