Global Climate Strike - March 25
- Fridays for Future - March 25279398
- Fridays for Future - Climate Strike Workshops279424
- Our TWEET on the topic - please retweet333003
- Our INSTAGRAM post on the topic - please share333001
- Our FACEBOOK post on the topic - please share333002
- #PeopleNotProfit279406
- #GlobalClimateStrike279407
- #GlobalClimateStrike2022279429
- #MarchForClimateLeadership279413
- Fridays for Future - Facebook279417
- Seniors to Bolster Youth-Led Climate Strikes With Day of Action Against Dirty Banks - CD 20.03.23337046
- ‘We have money and power’: older Americans to blockade banks in climate protest - Guardian 19.03.23341210
- Global action for climate draws 330,000 - Peace News 05/22281368
- Global Climate Strike: Why the World's Youth Are Calling for Reparations & Justice - Global Citizen 25.03.22279507
- Young Australians take climate protest to prime minister's residence - Reuters 25.03.22279422
- How Fridays for Future keeps the climate relevant as other crises rage - DW 25.03.22279423
- The Return of the Youth Climate Strike - IC News 25.03.22 280109
- Fridays for Future school climate strikes resume across the world - Guardian 25.03.22279426
- Fridays for Future Activists Share Their Hopes Ahead of the Global Climate Strike - Global Citizen 24.03.22279415
- The 2022 Global Climate Strike Is Almost Here. Here's Everything to Know - Global Citizen 24.03.22279414
- Europe: Environmental groups plan protests across the region March 25 - Crisis24 24.03.22279420
- Tomorrow’s Climate Strikes Deserve Front-Page Coverage - Covering Climate Now 24.03.22279425
- Tweet: The next global #ClimateStrike is getting closer! This Friday, March 25th, we will take it to the streets again to protest for justice - for our present and our future…279418
- Follow the global youth protests this week - NY Times 22.03.22279419
- Fridays For Future Announces Global Climate Strike for March 25 - CD 25.01.22279421
- Our TWEET in 3/22279327
- Our FACEBOOK post in 3/22279328
- Our INSTAGRAM post in 3/22279329