Articles & Updates
- Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now - WP 02/1656444
- “Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos sobre Cambio Climático y Defensa de la Vida” (pdf) - CMPCC 12.10.15333214
- Ten clear indicators our climate is changing – Climate Reality Project 18.08.1556445
- Report reveals public attitudes to Climate Change – Cardiff University 29.01.1556446
- Public perceptions of climate change in Britain following the winter 2013/2014 flooding – Capstick S.B et al 1/15 .pdf56447
- Naomi Klein - Can Climate Change Cure Capitalism? book review 12/1456448
- Your brain on climate change: why the threat produces apathy, not action - Guardian 11/1456449
- UN Report: Climate Change Already Decimating Life, Worst to Come - Common Dream 31.03.1456450
- The Climate Change Deniers Have Won - Guardian 22.03.1456451
- Why People Resist the Notion of Climate Change - Universe Today 2/1456453
- The Known Knowns of Climate Change - Project Syndicate 9/13251652
- Our energy policies can keep the 2 °C climate goal alive - IEA Report 6/1356454
- The Dangerous Myth That Climate Change Is Reversible - ClimateProgress 3/1356456
- The Surprising Way Obama Is Trying to Tackle Climate Change - PBS 2/1356457
- The best solution on climate change requires Congress to act - Guardian 2/1356458
- National Legislation Key to Combating Climate Change - IPS 1/1356459
- Report: IPCC Is Underestimating Climate Threat - Mother Jones 12/1256460
- Listen: “The Climate of the 2020s and the 2030s is Already Preordained" - Mother Jones 12/1256461
- Cicero: The History of Climate Change Negotiations in 83 seconds - YouTube 11/1256462
- Corporate Media Breaks Climate Silence, Following Undeniable Sandy Superstorm 11/1256463
- A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years - CICERO 10/1256464
- Think global warming is controlled if we solve CO2 output? Think again - 9/1256466
- We Are Writing the Epilogue to the World We Knew - Common Dreams 8/1256467
- Meteorologists Adjust Official Stance: Human Activity Causing Climate Change - Common Dreams 8/1256468
- The Dalai Lama: The Global Impact of Climate Change - YouTube 5/1256471
- Occupy Climate Change - Nation 3/1256472
- Google Earth Shows How Dams Could Worsen Climate Change - National Geographic 11/1156473
- Science behind the big freeze: is climate change bringing the Arctic to Europe? - Independent 2/1256474
- Much Ado About Methane - Real Climate 2/1256475
- Climate Change May Modify Half Earth's Plants - CommonDreams 16/12/1156476
- Food and climate change: The forgotten link - GRAIN 9/1156477
- Al Gore Blasts Obama On Climate Change For Failing To Take 'Bold Action - Common Dreams 6/1156478
- Al Gore: Climate of Denial - Rolling Stone 6/1156479
- Nitrogen pollution 'costs EU up to £280bn a year' - BBC 4/1156480
- Untapped crop data from Africa predicts corn peril if temperatures rise - Physorg 3/1156481
- Costly Euro space laser reviewed - BBC 1/1156482
- Ignoring the Obvious: The Floods and Fires, the Droughts and Disasters Will Continue - Common Dreams 8/1056483
- Amy Goodman: How Climate Change Affects You - Truthdig 8/1056484
- Timeline For 21st Century “Climate Change Events”56486
- John Vidal: Climate deal blueprint could curb US emissions and poor nations' growth - Guardian 6/1056485
- Stop Global Warming Virtual March56487
- Confidential document reveals Obama's hardline US climate talk strategy - Guardian 4/1056488
- Sharp decline in public's belief in climate threat, British poll reveals - Guardian 2/1056489
- Climate Scientist: Record-Setting Mid-Atlantic Snowfall Linked to Global Warming - Democracy Now! 2/1056490
- Resistance, protest and criticism in the name of nature: USSR and post-Soviet states, 1950-2010 (pdf) 333531
- Climate change the second most serious problem faced by the world today - Franz Alt 12/0956491
- The Most Urgent Threat to World Peace Is … Canada - G. Monbiot 12/0956492
- From ocean beds to mountain tops: Everest hosts Nepalese cabinet meeting - Guardian 12/0956493
- Riane Eisler: Climate Change Kills Women First - 12/0956494
- Al Gore: Our Choice - A Plan to solve the Climate Crisis - Franz Alt 11/0956495
- San Francisco Climate Justice Action at Bank of America; 200 Rally with at least 22 Arrested - 11/0956496
- Where are the Conservative Solutions to Climate Change? - 11/0956497
- How to Win Hearts and Minds in Climate Politics - New Republic 18.12.2056498
- What are we really arguing about when we argue about climate change? - Guardian 11/0956499
- Light-touch police get heavy-handed on climate change campaigners - Guardian 10/0956500
- Greenpeace volunteers occupy Parliament to save the climate - Greenpeace 10/0956501
- Trick or Treat for Climate Change - Amy Goodman 10/0956502
- Global Warming, Spin and Media - Global Issues 10/0956503
- Scientists Estimate Earth Will Warm by 6.3 Degrees This Century - Wash. Post 9/0956504
- With Copenhagen Summit Approaching, Leading Polluters US and China Undercut Hopes of Substantial Pollution Cuts - DemocracyNow! 9/0956506
- Climate Camp London: day two live - Guardian 8/0956507
- Climate Camp hits London: live - Guardian 8/0956508
- Police to Photograph Climate Camp Demonstrators - CommonDreams 8/0956509
- Tally of Interests on Climate Bill Tops a Thousand (USA) 8/0956510
- The reasons to (not) act ... …so why should I go through the trouble to change? - Franz Alt 200956511
- Scottish climate policy is hypocritical, contradictory and counter-productive - Guardian 8/0956512
- Report Gives Sobering View Of Warming’s Impact on U.S. 7/0956513
- A Failure of Leadership: Rapid and Massive Action Needed to Avert Climate Change 5/0856514
- Americas on alert for sea level rise - BBC 4/0956515
- Study: Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than Expected 4/0956516
- Revealed: police databank on thousands of protesters - Guardian 3/0956517
- Youth Embarrassed by US Delegation at Climate Conference 12/0856518
- 'Dangerous, misinformation': News Corp employee's fire coverage email - SMH 10.01.20196049
- Climate Change Is Faster and More Extreme' Than Feared - WWF Report 10/0856519
- Leading Australian Scientist Tim Flannery on Global Warming and the Worsening Dangers of Climate Change Denial - DemocracyNow! 10/0756520
- Hold Politicians’ Feet to the Fire - Amy Goodman 10/0756521
- Pope: Save planet before 'too late' 9/0756522
- Green means slow to this government - Why Germans laugh at British boasts of leading the world on climate change 8/0756523
- West's Failure over Climate Change 'Will Kill 182 Million Africans 5/0756524
- IPCC report completes scientific jigsaw puzzle: Report lays out options and puts onus on governments to act - Greenpeace 5/0756525
- West's Failure over Climate Change 'Will Kill 182m Africans' 5/0656526
- NIRS: Is a nuclear power a solution to climate change? - UN Climate Change 10.11.1756527
- Course on Global Climate Change - Syllabus 200356530
- Ecological Debt: The Health of the Planet and the Wealth of Nations 5/05 (amazon)56528
- Federal Climate Change Expenditures - Report to Congress 5/04 *pdf56529
- The Sixth Session of the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties 11/0056531
- Climate Summit, The Hague 11/00 (Archive)56532
- World's Oceans Warming Up 3/0056533
- This Crisis Demands a Reappraisal of Who We Are and What Progress Means 12/0756535
- Climate Wars Threaten Billions - Guardian 11/0756536