Madrid 2019 / COP 25
- 2-13 Dec - Madrid - Cumbre Social Por El Clima - Los Pueblos Por El Clima191152
- UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 Madrid 2019 - official189113
- Wikipedia - 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference187065
- HUGE TWITTER LIST on Climate Change - Please share!187066
- Democracy Now! - Madrid Climate Summit 2019192268
- Reuters - UN Climate Talks 2019192019
- Democracy Now! - Climate Crisis192022
- Observer - COP25192752
- #CumbreSocialClima 191380
- @COP25CL191262
- #COP25192023
- COY15 - tw190548
- #TimeForAction192024
- #TiempoDeActuar192025
- @AntonioGuterres - UN192755
- Spiegel - UNO-Klimakonferenz192896
- COP 25 : Admitted NGOs 189112
- Sail to the COP - Rail to the COP187064
- U.S. Youth for Justice and Substainability190186
- 'We Need Total System Change': A Letter from Santiago, Chile - Common Dreams 16.12.19193685
- Eric Holthaus Retweeted Karl Mathiesen In Madrid, at #COP25, the U.S. continued its long tradition of sacrificing survival chances ... - Eric Holthaus on Twitter 15.12.19193738
- Chile : Peoples' Summit / Cumbre de los pueblos 2019 : SALVEMOS LA TIERRA, CAMBIEMOS EL SISTEMA COP 25190436
- Anger as rifts scupper hopes of breakthrough at UN climate talks - Observer 15.12.19192751
- The UN climate talks are over for another year – was anything achieved? - Guardian 15.12.19192817
- UN climate talks end with limited progress on emissions targets - Guardian 15.12.19192818
- US Denounced as 'Threat to Humanity' as COP25 Ends Without Deal on Big Polluters' Responsibility to Frontline Nations 15.12.19192812
- In Final Hours, COP 25 Denounced as 'Utter Failure' as Deal Is Stripped of Ambition and US Refuses to Accept Liability for Climate Crisis - CD 14.12.19192749
- COP25: Developing Countries Charge Ahead with Bold Climate Plans as Rich Countries Drag Their Feet - Democracy Now 13.12.19194242
- 'We Are Furious': As COP 25 Draws to Close, Green Campaigners Fume as Rich Nations Move to Gut Paris Agreement - CD 13.12.19192748
- Video: COP25: Developing Countries Charge Ahead with Bold Climate Plans as Rich Countries Drag Their Feet - DN 13.12.19192744
- Video: Climate Refugees: Climate-Fueled Drought, Sea Level Rise, Storms & Fires Displace Millions Worldwide - DN 13.12.19192745
- Climate Youth Declare: “We Are Unstoppable! Another World Is Possible!” - Democracy Now 12.12.19193160
- Video: Greta Thunberg Slams COP25, Says Response to Climate Crisis Is “Clever Accounting and Creative PR” - DN 11.12.19192743
- Video from #COP25: Join us for a special event on the #ClimateEmergency - UN Climate Change on Twitter193699
- Fridays For Future just occupied the main plenary stage at #COP25. Nobody has ever done an action like this before, the times are changing - Dylan Hamilton on Twitter 11.12.19193698
- “Shame!” Indigenous Leaders & Delegates from Global South Stage Dramatic Protest at COP25 in Madrid - Democracy Now 11.12.19192788
- Gender equality is key to tackling the climate crisis - The Elderly 12/19195063
- COP 25: High hopes but disappointing conclusions in Madrid - The Elders 12/19195062
- Green Groups at COP 25 Warn Against Market-Driven Solutions to Climate Emergency - Common Dreams 12/19194399
- Another great speech by Greta Thunberg today at #COP25:- Michael Flammer on Twitter 11.12.19194142
- The U.S. Has Almost No Official Presence at COP25 But Is Still “Obstructing Any Progress”- Democracy Now 10.12.19192787
- COP25 climate summit: put children at heart of tackling crisis, says UN - Guardian 09.12.19192753
- At Major March in Madrid, Indigenous & Youth Activists Slam Global Leaders for Climate Inaction - Democracy Now 09.12.19203430
- As lungs pay cost of dirty fuels, UN urges action on climate health risks - Reuters 03.12.19192018
- Decade of 'exceptional' heat likely to be hottest on record, experts say - Guardian 03.12.19192021
- After Hottest Decade Since Records Began, WMO Warns World May Face 5°C Rise by Century's End 03.12.19192011
- Activist Thunberg channels youth fury to U.N. climate summit - Thomson Reuters Foundation 03.12.19192685
- At COP 25 Kickoff, Spain's Socialist Leader Rips 'Fanatics' Like Trump Who Deny Climate Crisis 02.12.19192015
- COP25 Must Live Up to the Urgency at Hand - 02.12.19192012
- COP25, social movements and climate justice - Ecologist 02.12.19192010
- Injustice of worsening climate impacts rises up agenda at UN talks - Reuters 02.12.19192017
- Green Groups at COP 25 Warn Against Market-Driven Solutions to Climate Emergency 02.12.19192014
- COP25: youth ‘leadership’ contrasts with government inaction, says UN chief - Guardian 02.12.19192020
- Condemning Inaction of Rich Nations, Oxfam Unveils Report Showing Climate-Related Disasters Displaced 200 Million People Since 2008 - CD 02.12.19192016
- Decrying 'Utterly Inadequate' Efforts to Tackle Climate Crisis, UN Chief Declares 'Our War Against Nature Must Stop' 01.12.19192013
- PRESS RELEASE: COP25 Madrid – the ‘carbon boot-print’ 193638
- 'We See No Other Options': Youth Activists Lead Global #ClimateStrike Ahead of COP 25 - CD 29.11.19191898
- 'Be on the Right Side of History': Ahead of COP 25, Demand for Govts to Break Free From Fossil Fuels - Common Dreams 28.11.19193309
- 'Someone Cancel the Climate Crisis Too Please': Citing Social Unrest, Chile President Bows Out as COP25 Host - CD 30.10.19194543
- E V E N T S :190546
- UNSG 2019 Climate Summit: proposal submission information (pdf) - UNEP191379
- The Artivist Network - COP25 Actions191374
- 2 Dec - Rebels Beyond Borders at COP25 in Madrid, Spain190857
- 6 Dec - Madrid : manifestación de la Cumbre Social por el Clima!191153
- 6 Dec - Madrid : COP25 Climate March 6-D / COP 25 Marcha por el Clima 6-D - Juventud Por El Clima - Fridays For Future Spain & others191375
- 6 Dec - Madrid : Bicifestación por el clima - Cumbre social191523
- 6 Dec - Manifestación Internacional por el Clima en Madrid - CNT191236
- 6 Dec - Madrid : COP25 Climate March 6-D // COP 25 Marcha por el Clima 6-D191249
- 9-19 November 2020 in Glasgow, Scotland - UN Climate Change Conference - UNFCCC COP 26190538
- N G Os - Madrid, plus :189515
- ecologistas en accion - calendario190753
- Extinction Rebellion Spain - fb - events190752
- Fridays For Future Spain - fb events190754
- La Transicionera, Sevilla - fb -events190756
- Antimilitaristas Madrid - fb - events190757
- Jai Jagat-España - fb - events190755
- Attac Madrid190859
- Greenpeace España190860
- Transparency International España, Madrid190861
- Reporteros Sin Fronteras Sección Española191154
- Huelga Feminista 8M191234
- Plataforma Madrid Agroecológico191235
- CGT Confederación - La Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) es una asociación de trabajadorxs anarcosindicalista, de clase, autónoma, autogestionaria, federalista y libert…191237
- Debt Observatory in Globalisation / Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalización - Barcelona191238
- Campanya Roba Neta191239
- Madrid en Bici - bicycles191240
- Peace Brigades International - PBI-Estado Español - Madrid191241
- Mercado Social Madrid191242
- Economistas Sin Fronteras (EsF) - Madrid191243
- REAS Madrid191244
- #COPForFuture 191245
- #RailToTheCop191258
- Teachers for future Spain191246
- Madres por el clima191247
- Juventud Por El Clima - Fridays For Future Spain191248
- Alianza por el Clima191250
- Comisión Diocesana Justicia y Paz. Arzobispado De Madrid191251
- Movimiento Católico Mundial por el Clima191252
- Instituto Conflictos y Acción-Humanitaria - Madrid191254