KYOTO 1997
- Kyoto Protocol - Wikipedia33161
- Kyoto Protocol - UNFCCC33162
- Statement by Minister Kent - Canadian Environment Ministry 12/1133164
- Canada's National Statement at COP1733165
- A decade after leaving Kyoto, the U.S. still inactive on global warming - Progressive 3/1133166
- Non-industrial emissions key for meeting Kyoto targets - Franz Alt 11/0933167
- Kyoto fading into polluted air - Scotsman 12/0533168
- U.S. Withdraws From Kyoto Protocol 4/0133169
- The Kyoto Effect: Carbon Sinks - WWF 11/0033170
- Business Leadership after Kyoto - WBCSD 10/9833171
- Reinventing Kyoto: Flexible Global Carbon Pricing - Steven Stoft33172
- Full Text of the Kyoto Protocol *.pdf33173
- Status of Ratification33174