Durban 2011
- COP17/CMP7 - Durban, South Africa 28.11.-09.12.122358
- Durban Climate Change Conference - UN122359
- 2011 UN Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia122363
- Guardian - Durban climate change conference 2011122364
- Spiegel - Klimagipfel in Durban122365
- Google News - Climate Change + Durban122369
- Greenpeace - Climate Rescue Blog122370
- After Durban: Climate Activists Target Corporate Power - YES! 13.12.11122378
- Canada's Closing Statement at COP17122379
- "Get It Done": Urging Climate Justice, Youth Delegate Anjali Appadurai Mic-Checks UN Summit 09.12.12122380
- US College Student Shames US Climate Delegation in Durban - Common Dreams 08.12.11122384
- What will it take for Durban climate change conference to end positively? - Guardian 08.12.11122385
- Durban climate talks see US back EU proposal - Guardian 08.12.11122386
- African nations move closer to EU position at Durban climate change talks - Guardian 08.12.11122390
- Lord Stern: rich nations should stop subsidising fossil fuel industry - Guardian 07.12.11122391
- Barack Obama urges nations to follow lead of Wangari Maathai - Guardian 07.12.11122392
- UN climate talks see 'delayer countries' throw away the 2C goal - Guardian 01.12.11122396
- Why Durban is the Kyoto protocol's last chance - Amy Goodman 30.11.11122397
- Durban Climate Change Conference: US refusal to negotiate carbon emissions cuts risks derailing summit - Telegraph 30.11.11122398
- Barack Obama urged to change US stance at UN climate summit - Guardian 30.11.11122402
- EU takes hardline stance at UN climate talks - Guardian 30.11.11122403
- Pope urges international agreement on climate change 28.11.11122404
- Durban climate talks: there is a feasible plan B to combat climate change - Guardian 28.11.11122408
- Durban: A summit of small steps? - BBC 31.10.11122409
- ICC Durban Convention Centre122410
- Saving Tomorrow (Audio)122414
- Qatar wins bid to host 2012 climate talks - Guardian 11/11122415