Flood events
- Flooding will affect double the number of people worldwide by 2030 - Guardian 23.04.20205516
- Pacific faces two crises at once - 350.org 07.04.20204209
- Floods Kill 30, Displace 16,000 in Madagascar - Democracy Now 29.01.20197379
- 'Mother Nature Does a Mic Drop': Venice City Council Chamber Floods Minutes After Members Vote Down Climate Crisis Amendment - Common Dreams 14.11.19191643
- Climate change is increasing flood risks in Europe - Guardian 08.02.18174016
- Adaptation Now: River Flood Risks Increase Around the Globe Under Future Warming - Sonnenseite 12.01.18174017
- Philippines: Multiple Tropical Cyclones, A total of 255,466 homes have been damaged, including 19,010 completely destroyed, leaving thousands without adequate shelter or forc…443767
- 80,000 people are estimated to be affected, with the government confirming 12 fatalities either from collapsed buildings or landslides: UNICEF Vanuatu Humanitarian Situatio…447253
- Somalia: Rapid Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment of populations affected by Deyr flooding in Awdhegle, Lower Shebelle, Somalia - November 2024 - iMMAP Inc. 06.01.25449371
- Unprecedented levels of flooding in Africa add to burden on fragile countries - Africa Center for Strategic Studies 03.01.24449406