Reports and Selected Articles
- Solutions - Project Drawdown253965
- Heat Map Example (London) to see the potential of energy efficiency 191134
- A “Fit for 55” Package Based on Environmental Integrity and Solidarity - Agora Energiewende240298
- Woodland Trust - The Big Climate Fightback191135
- How satellites revolutionised climate change science - Conversation 19.02.25458024
- Assessing the integration of culture and heritage in disaster risk management and climate change adaptation mechanisms in Southern Africa - UN Educational, Scientific and Cul…442598
- Second Advisory Panel Annual Summary Report for the UN Secretary-General’s Early Warnings for All Initiative: highlights the initiative’s efforts to enhance governance and fo…441188
- Pacific Girls in a Changing Climate: how climate change is completely and irrevocably reshaping girls’ lives as they enter adulthood - Plan International 18.11.24441194
- The cost of inaction: Quantifying the impact of climate change on health in low- and middle-income countries - World Bank 13.11.24441189
- Peril and promise: Tackling climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean - Inter-American Development Bank 12.11.24441146
- Global Climate Resilience Platform Status Update Report - Issue 1, November 2024: - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 11.11.24441159
- People in a Changing Climate: From Vulnerability to Action - Insights from World Bank Group Country Climate and Development Reports covering 72 economies - World Bank 11.11.24441154
- Every Climate Action Counts: the Ripple Effect of Each Failure on Health Care in Humanitarian Settings - Médecins Sans Frontières 11.11.24441160
- Researchers identify fastest rate of natural carbon dioxide rise over the last 50,000 years - Oregon State University 13.05.24416853
- Climate Agreements Suck - Pressenza 27.03.24404289
- Audio: Tackling the Climate Crisis - The Development Podcast 04.12.23390241
- To tackle the climate crisis, we need to transform systems according to ancestral original instructions - BMJ 05.10.23376973
- When it comes to rich countries taking the environment seriously, I say: vive la France - Guardian 24.06.23357621
- The climate crisis and biodiversity crisis can’t be approached as two separate things - Sonnenseite 24.04.23344787
- AI has great power in combating the climate crisis. How can it be used wisely? - GreenBiz 25.01.23326888
- Mitigation of Climate Change: IPCC Assessment Report 2022288486
- The Social Side of Climate Change Adaptation: Reducing Conflict Risk - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute 07.09.22303888
- Is it ethical to patent emerging climate tech? - GreenBiz 31.08.22304929
- Trash-to-Gas Isn't a Fairytale Climate Solution - Gizmodo 22.06.22293295
- Scientists have just told us how to solve the climate crisis – will the world listen? - Guardian 06.04.22288518
- What Will It Take for the Climate Movement to Win? - Novara Media 17.03.22278631
- Rethinking trade's relationship to the fight against climate change - WEF 04.02.22273312
- 'Must-read' analysis reveals massive global gap between declared and actual emissions - CD 08.11.21261861
- Reasons to be hopeful: the climate solutions available now - Guardian 31.10.21260963
- Historical climate emissions reveal responsibility of big polluting nations - Guardian 05.10.21256879
- US and EU pledge 30% cut in methane emissions to limit global heating - Guardian 17.09.21257493
- “All We Can Save”: As Climate Disasters Wreck Our Planet, Women Leaders Are Key to Solving the Crisis - Democracy Now! 22.07.21252346
- World needs $81 trillion investment in nature by 2050 to tackle triple planetary crisis - Prevention Web 27.05.21277468
- UN offers science-based blueprint to tackle climate crisis, biodiversity loss and pollution - UN News 18.02.21235845
- Humans May Have Passed the 'Point of No Return' in Climate Crisis, Says Study—But That Doesn't Mean All Hope Is Lost - CD 12.11.20227240
- Video: 3 Climate Change Solutions that could actually happen - Our Changing Climate 06.11.20253966
- Six steps we are taking to confront the climate crisis - Guardian 05.10.20221884
- China aims for 'carbon neutrality by 2060' - BBC 22.09.20217202
- Dietary changes could produce big offsets to carbon emissions - ENN 11.09.20216135
- 13 must-read climate change reports for 2020 - Ecowatch 20.08.20214541
- To solve the climate crisis, we need more democracy, not less - Open Democracy 05.08.20213444
- In a warming world, New England's trees are storing more carbon - Harvard University 04.08.20213457
- Mitigation of greenhouse gases in dairy cattle through genetic selection - ENN 23.07.20212812
- Revealing winners and losers in projected future climates - Flinders University 16.07.20212659
- Here’s how to decarbonize industry and fight climate change - Green Biz 04.06.20208922
- Study: New record for carbon dioxide capture - Monash University 03.06.20209174
- Study: reflecting sunlight to cool the planet will cause other global changes - Massachusetts Institute of Technology 02.06.20208843
- A deep dive into better understanding of nitrogen impacts - ENN 29.05.20208478
- Investing in Nature Pays off for People and Biodiversity - World Bank 21.05.20210619
- Report: global observations by commercial airlines could provide an opportunity for urban CO2 emissions monitoring - National Institute for Environmental Studies 15.05.20207651
- Report: Using big data to design gas separation membranes, reduce CO2 - Columbia University School of Engineering 15.05.20207650
- Capturing CO2 with new self-forming membrane - Newcastle University 01.05.20206479
- Long-living tropical trees play outsized role in carbon storage - University of Texas 09.04.20204645
- Smaller scale solutions needed for rapid progress towards emissions targets - University of East Anglia - 02.04.20203492
- INSIGHT: Banks Need to Lead the Fight Against Climate Change - Bloomberg Environment 24.9.19192362
- Climate modelsaccurately predicted global heating - Guardian 04.12.19192088
- 10 ways to use co2 and how they compare - Carbon Breif 7.11.19191138
- Naomi Klein: 'We are seeing the beginnings of the era of climate barbarism' - Guardian 14.09.19188677
- Time To Panic (Opinion) - New York Times 02/19192331
- New source of global nitrogen discovered - Science Daily 05.04.18171290
- Carbon Markets: Foolish Climate Policy that Big Banks Can Love - Common Dreams 30.03.18171291
- Why what we eat is crucial to the climate change question - Guardian 05.03.18171295
- Deluging Davos: the World Economic Forum could do with an 'avalanche of youth' - Ecologist 29.01.18171296
- Defying Dystopia: Building the Climate Future We Need - Transnational Institute 09.01.18171299
- Journal: Mainstreaming climate adaptation: taking stock about “what works” from empirical research worldwide - Runhaar,H et al 29.11.17171300
- What are the politics of our survival as a species? Introducing the Climate Change Trilemma - Oxfam 22.11.17171301
- Dr. Michael Mann on Climate Action: “The Voice and the Will of the People Still Matters” - Climate Reality Project 17.11.17171304
- Transforming greenhouse gases: New 'supercatalyst' to recycle carbon dioxide and methane - Science Daily 17.11.17171305
- Video: Scientist Kevin Anderson: Our Socio-Economic Paradigm Is Incompatible With Climate Change Objectives - Democracy Now 16.11.17171308
- One Simple Trick to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - Union of Concerned Scientists 14.11.17171309
- Green finance? Why global banks are pledging billions to fight climate change - The Conversation 10.11.17171310
- Communicating Climate Change: Focus on the Framing, Not Just the Facts - Climate Reality Project 09.11.17171313
- On climate chaos and militarism - Transnational Institute 08.11.17171314
- Leaders must look to Pacific Islands to understand the importance of building water resilience - Ecologist 07.11.17171315
- 3 reasons this small country’s court decision will have a big impact on global climate action - Greenpeace International 07.11.17171318
- Cities can cut greenhouse gas emissions far beyond their urban borders - Science Daily 07.11.17171319
- Big companies' climate change targets are 'unambitious', say analysts - Guardian 25.10.17171322
- Report: Cities at the forefront of climate action - Carbon Market Watch 06.10.17171323
- Do more to help poor nations cope with climate change, IMF tells rich countries - Guardian 28.09.17171324
- Five Cities That Reap The Co-Benefits Of Climate Action - GO Explorer 22.09.17171327
- Climate Justice Is Racial Justice Is Gender Justice - Truthout 27.08.17171332
- Video: SIPRI launches film on climate change, peace and security - SIPRI 21.08.17171333
- How to win the climate wars – talk about local ‘pollution’ not global warming - The Conversation 22.08.17171334
- The Global Crisis and Role of So-Called Renewable Energies in Solving It - EcoSocialist 28.07.17171338
- A super-simple strategy may be key to fighting climate change - PRI 21.07.17171339
- G20 summit showed international climate action really is 'Trump- proof' - Ecologist 12.07.17171340
- Artificial environments are turning the world outside in, but that’s no way to save the planet - The Conversation 07.07.17171343
- Report: Zero Carbon Britain: Making it Happen (pdf) - Centre for Alternative Technology 06/17 171344
- Why we need a global effort by corporations, citizens and nonprofits to tackle climate change -Ecologist 28.06.17171345
- Climate stabilization: Planting trees cannot replace cutting carbon dioxide emissions - Science Daily 18.05.17171349
- Ecologist Special Report: From fish to forests and conflicts to humans are affected by climate-driven species shifts - Ecologist 20.04.17171350
- John Bellamy Foster: ‘We need a resistance movement for the planet’ - Climate & Capitalism 11.04.17171351
- Video - Three Seconds (Winner of #Film4Climate 2016)171353
- Nnimmo Bassey - System change will not be negotiated - Common Dreams 22.02.17171354
- Scotland sets ambitious goal of 66% emissions cut within 15 years – Guardian 19.01.17171355
- Crossing the carbon Rubicon – Red Pepper 06.01.17171359
- German coalition agrees to cut carbon emissions up to 95% by 2050 – Guardian 11.11.16171360
- Tax meat and dairy to cut emissions and save lives, study urged – Guardian 07.11.16171364
- Mitigation potential and global health impacts from emissions pricing of food commodities – Springmann.M et al, Nature Climate Change 07.11.16171365
- Europe seeks to avoid ‘bickering’ over forestry emission cuts – EurActiv 14.10.16171369