Causes of Climate Crisis

A powerplant with four huge towers send clouds of vapour and smoke into the sky.
Pixabay | Stevepb

➡️ The Climate CrisisCauses of Global Warming

Climate change is driven by greenhouse gas emissions, which trap the sun's heat and have altered the Earth's natural climate systems. Human activities are responsible for this exponential increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting in world warming faster than at any point in recorded history.


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 This graphic explains how solar energy is absorbed by the earth's surface, causing the earth to warm and to emit infrared radiation. The greenhouse gases then trap the infrared radiation, thus warming the atmosphere.
Flickr | GRID-Arendal

Fossil Fuels - #1 Cause of Climate Change

Coal, oil, and gas combustion is by far the largest contributor to global climate change. The fossil fuel industry is responsible for 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90% of all carbon dioxide emissions.

In 2023, 82% of global energy was generated by coal, oil, and natural gas. This was a record year for energy demand as the Global South develops at a speed of twice the global rate. The IPCC has warned that fossil fuel emissions must be halved within the next 11 years if global warming is to be limited to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

Carbon dioxide, the worst of the greenhouse gases, currently accounts for the greatest portion of the warming associated with human activities. Pre-industrial revolution CO2 levels were around 280 PPM as was the case for 6,000 years. The levels today are 50% higher at 420 PPM. At current rates, the planet will fall well short of the 1.5°C goal, and by 2050, we are facing a carbon emissions gap of 16 Gt (gigatonnes). 

Corporate greenwashing, lobbying, and disinformation campaigns have been used for decades to distract the public from the reality of fossil fuel industries and allow them to continue operating with impunity. Climate denial and the withholding of key scientific findings have allowed Big Oil to continue upscaling operations. Companies such as ExxonMobilShell, and BP have kept their dirty secret since the 1970s, long before the public was made aware of the consequences of unchecked fossil fuel energy production.


A protester holding a sign about the climate change denial of ExxonMobil at the protest Our Generation, Our Choice in Washington, D.C.
Johnny Silvercloud | CC BY-SA 2.0

Carbon dioxide (in much lower levels) occurs naturally in the Earth's atmosphere. As part of the Earth's energy balance, carbon sinks, such as oceans, forests, and soil, help to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. The planet's natural cycles have been placed under extreme stress by unusually high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. Furthermore, human activities such as deforestation, intensive agriculture, and urbanization have dramatically weakened the planet's ability to absorb carbon. 

The energy transition refers to the global shift from fossil fuels to renewable, low-emission energy sources such as solar and wind power. A fast and just transition will curb the worst effects of the climate crisis. However, government subsidies, shortsighted politicians, and lack of investment are huge barriers that must be overcome before we will see a significant phaseout of the oil and gas industry. Keeping fossil fuels in the ground is by far the fastest way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Currently, only 30% of global electricity is generated by solar, wind, and hydropower. To limit global warming to 1.5°C, the world needs to triple its renewable energy capacity by 2030.


Bar graph displaying global human greenhouse gas emissions, by sector in 2016.
Our World in Data | CC BY 4.0

Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector

Energy is the number one contributor to greenhouse gas emissions by far, but other sectors play significant roles and need to be considered in climate mitigation, policy, and the road to net zero.


Responsible for approximately 29% of global carbon emissions, agriculture is the leading motive for land clearance. Beef alone is responsible for 41% of global deforestation. Heavy fertilizers, pesticide use, and mono-crops are causing a biodiversity crisis, and unsustainable practices have caused irreversible soil erosion and depletion. Massive changes are needed in our food production systems and diets to help ease the global food crisis, pay farmers a living wage, support better welfare for livestock, and reduce the environmentally destructive nature of modern high-intensity food production.

Agriculture is not only a culprit of climate change, but it is also suffering disastrously from it. Floods, droughts, heat waves, and the disruption of historically predictable seasons have created large-scale food insecurity, reduced productivity and quality, and caused a sharp increase in food prices.


Responsible for approximately 21% of global greenhouse gas emissions, manufacturing (clothing, plastics, electronics, etc.), food processing, construction, the production of iron, steel, cement and other industrial processes is the third biggest contributor to climate change.

We can reduce the industrial sector's carbon footprint by increasing efficiency through improved technology and stricter enforcement of pollution regulations. Governments must turn to more sustainably produced materials in construction, and factories can be fueled by renewable energy sources.

Rethinking our attitude towards consumption also goes a long way, especially regarding plastic products. Ethical consumers consider the energy used to create their purchases, whether it is really necessary, and how far it has travelled to reach its market.


A barren field is surrounded by trees, all of the trees in the centre have been cut down, only sticks remain. One large stump sits in the foreground.
Unsplash | Roya Ann Miller


Responsible for approximately 10-15% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the large-scale clearing of trees for livestock grazing, crops, logging, mining, roads, and urbanization is stripping us of our best natural defence against climate change.

Deforestation leads to the release of 4.8 billion tonnes of carbon every year. Scientists have known the value of trees as carbon sponges for decades, yet we continue to destroy around 10 million hectares of forest every year. Deforestation and land degradation rates are so bad that some tropical forests now emit more carbon than they capture.


Responsible for approximately 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the transport sector includes emissions from road vehicles, aviation, shipping, and rail. The vast majority (95%) of the world's transport energy still comes from fossil fuels. Almost 50% of countries report transport as their largest source of energy-related emissions, and there are little signs of this slowing. Between 2000-2019, CO2 emissions from transport rose in all regions except Europe. Asia holds the top place as the largest emitter.

Increased investment in public transport infrastructure, improving the efficiency of all transport modes, switching to electric vehicles, cleaning up the freight industry, preventing airport expansions and new road developments, and cutting out domestic and unnecessary air travel will go a long way to reduce the alarming growth in transport emissions.


The military, weapons manufacturing, the arms trade, and conflict are responsible for approximately 5% of greenhouse gas emissions. In response to various threat perceptions, particularly by the U.S., the Middle East, North Africa and Europe, 2024 saw unprecedented spending on military budgets - a staggering $2.46 trillion. A record number of 59 armed conflicts were recorded during the same year.

There are considerable challenges in assessing the full scale of emissions from military activities and their supply chain due to massive gaps in data. It is likely to be much higher than we estimate, given that the military is a major recipient of government expenditure and a huge consumer of fossil fuels. A lack of transparency and legal requirements allows massive militaries like China, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Israel to not report on their emissions. Most other countries report only partially.

Not only does the military contribute towards the climate crisis, but climate change also causes more conflicts! Peacebuilding and nonviolence are essential and undervalued tools in battling climate change. We cannot continue to overlook the long-term impacts of war and militarization on the environment and its spiralling greenhouse gas emissions.


Global map of annual greenhouse gas emissions by country, 2022
Our World in Data | CC BY 4.0

Greenhouse Gases Emissions by Country – Top 5 Polluters

The following are the current top five countries ranked by percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions:

  • China - 32%

  • The United States - 12%

  • India - 7%

  • Russia - 5%

  • Japan - 3%

The top three emitters, China, the United States, and India, contribute half the world's total emissions. The bottom 100 countries account for just 2.9%. When you factor in population size, however, a different image emerges. India, the world's most highly populated country, drops out of the top 10 significantly when ranked by emissions per capita. Saudi Arabia, the U.S., Canada, Australia, and South Korea take the top positions.

This perspective allows us to compare a country's responsibility for climate change alongside climate equity, vulnerability, capacity to act, historical contributions, and total emissions we can see the bigger picture. It also highlights the disproportionate impact of rich nations and those relying heavily on fossil fuels for energy.

A special mention goes out to the rich 1%, who are collectively responsible for an absurd 15% of total greenhouse gas emissions. The disparity in carbon footprints between the world's wealthiest individuals and everyone else on the planet is a hard pill to swallow as we suck on our paper straws, cycle home from work in the rain, and carry our recycling to the local supermarket.

In 2012, the top 1% of emitters globally each had carbon footprints of over 50 tonnes - more than 1,000 times greater than the bottom 1% of emitters.

Ironically, it is the wealthiest individuals and organizations who have the resources and influence to drive meaningful change. They can invest in renewable energy projects, fund climate research, support sustainable business practices, and use their voices to advocate for change. 


Image created to advertise the affordability of renewable energy. Five images of renewable energy options such as solar and wind are shown and underneath is says 'Biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar PV, onshore wind are as cheap as, if not cheaper, than fossil fuels. AND they help the climate.
Flickr | IRENA

Emission Reduction - Can We Mitigate Climate Change?

As the climate crisis worsens, we are experiencing more frequentunpredictable, and costly extreme weather events. In the U.S. alone, 28 climate and weather disasters in 2023 came with a price tag of at least $92.9 billion.

Floods, storms, earthquakes, and droughts have created over 376 million climate refugees around the world. In 2021, the WHO declared the climate crisis the single biggest health threat facing humanity.

Devastatingly, those affected first and most severely are the nations and communities who contribute least to its causes. Developing countries which support higher populations of low-income and disadvantaged people are on the frontlines of climate change and are the least able to protect themselves.

Meaningful long-term climate action is very much a now-or-never situation. A 2022 report by the IPCC revealed that -

'without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors, limiting global warming to 1.5°C is beyond reach.'

The rate of growth of greenhouse gas emissions has slowed. Renewable energy costs are falling. New policies and laws have increased energy efficiency, and levels of deforestation have stabilized. There are reasons for hope, and we already have the necessary tools and knowledge. The worst could be avoided if governments and world leaders stepped up and enforced large-scale implementation.

We simply must end our reliance on coal and fossil fuels, commit to a renewable energy future, reforest, rewild, de-intensify agricultural practices, embrace Indigenous knowledge, build resilience, repay our climate debts, share the skills and technology needed for a fast energy transition, and strictly monitor and enforce emissions targets.

We have the solutions. The time to act is now!

Better World Info invites valuable input from experts and we welcome you to contact us to get involved!

Author: Rachael Mellor, 19.03.25 licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

For more information on the Causes of Climate Change see below ⬇️

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