Illegal Wildlife Trade
- Unregulated by U.S. at home, Facebook boosts wildlife trafficking abroad - Mongabay 08.06.21247372
- Wildlife trafficking, like everything else, has gone online during COVID-19 - Mongabay 01.06.21 246348
- New bill seeks to end Hong Kong’s days as an illegal wildlife trade hub - Mongabay 26.05.21245818
- FROM THE FIELD: Taming the illegal wildlife trafficking trade - UN News 03.03.21237046
- 'Looking for a flamingo?': bird trafficking in Iraq – photo essay - Guardian 01.03.21236749
- Study highlights ‘terrible’ signs of species decline from wildlife trade - Mongabay 19.02.21236206
- Wildlife trafficking driving 'severe declines' in traded species, finds study - Guardian 15.02.21235416
- Ivory by any other name: Illegal trade thrives on eBay, study finds - Mongabay 22.01.21233047
- Nigeria emerges as Africa’s primary export hub for ivory, pangolin scales - Mongabay 21.01.21233050
- Poachers’ paradise: Gulf hunts fuel Pakistan falcon trafficking - Al Jazeera 04.01.21230929
- Q&A: Communities combating illegal wildlife trade in East Africa - iied 17.12.20229340
- Brazil’s blue macaws, golden lion tamarins back in traffickers’ sights - Mongabay 11.12.20228195
- Marmosets trafficked as pets now threaten native species in Atlantic forest - Mongabay 26.10.20222049
- Tradable by default: Reptile trafficking flourishes amid lack of protection - Mongabay 23.10.20222050
- In the Horn of Africa, conflict and illegal trade create a ‘cheetah hell’ - Mongabay 07.10.20218871
- Decoy turtle eggs put in nests to track illegal trade in Costa Rica - Guardian 05.10.20218402
- America’s hidden big cat problem - Gizmodo 21.09.20216835
- Stolen from the wild, rare reptiles and amphibians are freely traded in EU - Mongabay 14.09.20216443
- For Brazil’s most trafficked parrot, the poaching is relentless - Mongabay 01.09.20215501
- Is Chinese investment driving a sharp increase in jaguar poaching? - Mongabay 11.08.20213965
- Weak enforcement sees surging trade in Philippine pangolin, study shows - Mongabay 04.08.20213336
- Vietnam bans wildlife trade over pandemic risk - BBC 24.07.20212929
- Trafficking of thousands of songbirds highlights rampant trade in Indonesia - Mongabay 03.07.20212095
- China’s latest medicines list shows its wildlife trade is alive and kicking - The Canary 03.07.20212010
- Helping to protect the most illegally trafficked mammals in the world - University of Portsmouth 22.06.20210741
- Campaigners welcome 'historic' EU inquiry into live animal transport - Guardian 22.06.20210740
- Jaguar trafficking linked to Chinese investment in South America - Nat Geo 09.06.20209295
- Wildlife trade in pictures: campaigners call for global ban - Guardian 03.06.20208837
- The treaty that regulates trade in international wildlife, is not the answer to preventing another zoonotic pandemic - Scientific American 22.05.20208281
- EU's live export trade puts welfare of millions of animals at risk – Guardian 13.05.20207337
- Live export: animals at risk in giant global industry - Guardian 20.01.20197267
- 17+ Must-Reads on Illegal Wildlife Trade - CNN 3/14167333
- Video: The Fight Against Wildlife Poaching, Aljazeera 02/15167335
- Video : What will YOU do against Poaching? - Arucanari ShortFilms 02/17167336
- Video: Progressing the Battle Against Poaching - King´s College London, 03/17167338
- Video: Sea Change, The Battle Against Poaching in Palau - Great Big Story 08/17167339
- The Long Read In Pursuit of the Tortoise Smugglers - The Guardian 02.02.18167343
- Smuggled, Beaten and Drugged: The Illicit Global Ape Trade - The New York Times 04.11.17 167344
- Ivory is out in the UK, as government moves to shutter legal trade - Mongabay 12.10.17167346
- The Role of Dogs in the Fight Against Poaching - Folly Farm 08/17167347
- Ending Wildlife Trafficking Will Help The Fight Against Terrorism - The Huffington Post, 04/17167351
- China Bans Its Ivory Trade, Moving Against Elephant Poaching - The New York Times, 12/16167354
- Animal Trafficking: the $23bn criminal industry policed by a toothless regulator - The Guardian 09/16167355
- Turning the Tide on Poaching - African Wild Life Foundation 167358
- 5 Reasons to Care Abour Poaching - A-plus, 07/16 167359
- 10 Shocking Facts About How the Illegal Wildlife Trade Drives Species Extinction - One Green Planet, 12/14167362
- Film: The Last Animals ( Kate Brooks , 2018)167363