Biodiversity Loss
- Climate Crisis Pushes Migratory Monarch Butterflies Onto Endangered List - CD 21.07.22296360
- In pictures: Peru’s safe haven for threatened species - Guardian 20.07.22296401
- #BiodiversityDay: How the IAEA Contributes to Bend the Curve of Biodiversity Loss - May 20th 2022290449
- Global Biodiversity Crisis Is Worse Than We Thought, New Survey Finds - EcoWatch 19.07.22298025
- 'Shocking Document' Spotlights Dire State of Australia's Environment - CD 19.07.22296381
- Biodiversity Destruction Imperils Natural Species Crucial to Humanity's Survival - CD 08.07.22294524
- UN Chief Warns of 'Ocean Emergency' as Leaders Confront Biodiversity Loss, Pollution - CD 28.06.22293123
- Appetite for Frogs’ Legs in Europe ‘Driving Species to Extinction’ - Eco Watch 24.06.22292860
- Fears for wolf population after ‘catastrophic’ wildfire in Spain - Guardian 23.06.22292162
- 'Species Extinction Is a Choice': Groups Urge Strong Global Pact to Save Life on Earth - CD 16.06.22291650
- Pink pigeons in Mauritius made a remarkable comeback from near-extinction - The Conversation 13.05.22286870
- UK Survey Finds 'Terrifying' 60% Plunge in Flying Insect Population - CD 05.05.22 329826
- Vaquita porpoise could survive, but only if illegal fishing stops immediately - Guardian 05.05.22285549
- World Risks Losing 1 in 5 Reptile Species as Human Activity Destroys Ecosystems - Democracy Now! 02.05.22286215
- ‘Unusual’ deep-sea jellyfish discovered off California coast - Guardian 22.04.22284022
- Protected areas don’t always benefit wildlife, global study finds - Guardian 20.04.22283670
- Poison, persecution and people: why Kenya’s raptors are disappearing - Guardian 13.04.22282183
- Global biodiversity is in crisis, but how bad is it? It’s complicated - Mongabay 11.04.22290446
- Audio: The insect crisis. Where did all the bugs go? - Today in Focus 11.04.22282004
- Podcast: The insect crisis: where did all the bugs go? - Guardian 11.04.22329827
- What is the Biodiversity Crisis? - Earth Justice 04.04.22290459
- Brown bear population in Pyrenees highest for a century, says study - Guardian 04.04.22280950
- Can we resurrect the thylacine? Maybe, but it won’t help the global extinction crisis - Conversation 08.03.22280454
- Biodiversity Crisis Threatens Global Economic and Social Stability, Report Warns - CD 24.03.22279283
- Conservationists Say Congress Underfunding Species Protection by Hundreds of Millions Despite Biodiversity Crisis - CD 10.03.22276885
- Rich Nations Driving Biodiversity Loss Called to Invest Billions in Developing World - CD 01.03.22276649
- Horizon scan: the opportunities and threats facing Earth’s biodiversity - Guardian 31.12.21267531
- 2021: when the link between the climate and biodiversity crises became clear - Guardian 20.12.21265962
- The Biodiversity Crisis Needs Its Net Zero Moment - Wired 17.12.21290460
- Nearly half of Britain’s biodiversity has gone since industrial revolution - Guardian 10.10.21257486
- Biodiversity loss risks 'ecological meltdown' - scientists - BBC 10.10.21290444
- How biodiversity loss is jeopardising the drugs of the future - Guardian 09.10.21257380
- What if Eating Animals Was the Main Cause of the Climate and Biodiversity Crises? - CD 06.10.21262056
- Our global food system is the primary driver of biodiversity loss - Sonnenseite 11.02.21235829
- Food system impacts on biodiversity loss - UN 03.02.21235714
- Our global food system is the primary driver of biodiversity loss - UNEP 03.02.21290453
- Biodiversity loss puts our food supplies and medical care at risk. It must be stopped - WeForum 15.01.21232152
- A warning sign: where biodiversity loss is happening around the world - WWF, 2021290447
- New report shows banks loaned $2.6 trillion linked to biodiversity loss in 2019 - EcoWatch 28.10.20222346
- How to bend the curve of biodiversity loss - New Int 30.09.20218119
- We've mapped the best way to fight biodiversity loss - GreenBiz 17.09.20216621
- A ‘Crossroads’ for Humanity: Earth’s Biodiversity Is Still Collapsing - NY Times 15.09.20290448
- UN report highlights links between ‘unprecedented biodiversity loss’ and spread of disease - UN News 15.09.20216397
- In the fight against biodiversity loss, connectivity is key (commentary) - Mongabay 12.08.20214071
- Biodiversity loss could be making us sick – here's why - Global Issues 05.08.20213634
- The vultures aren't soaring over Africa – and that's bad news - Guardian 13.06.20282184
- Biodiversity loss puts our food supplies and medical care at risk. It must be stopped - WEF 15.01.20290454
- Report: Biodiversity loss - more than an environmental emergency - Lancet 01.07.19290457
- UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’ - UN 05/19290445
- Video: What On Earth Is A Tuatara? - Discovery UK 09.01.19284519
- Stop biodiversity loss or we could face our own extinction, warns UN - Guardian 03.11.18290458
- Biodiversity loss has an enormous impact on humans, according to a UN report - PRI 21.04.1876919
- Better agricultural planning could prevent 88% of biodiversity loss, study finds - Mongabay 16.03.1876936
- We have 15 years to halt biodiversity loss, can it be done? - The Conversation 26.10.1577050
- Biodiversity and Health - WHO 03.06.15290452
- Secretary-General, at High-Level Meeting, Stresses Urgent Need to Reverse Alarming Rate of Biodiversity Loss, Rescue ‘Natural Economy’ - UNGA 9/1032359
- Biodiversity Loss Continues Unabated Despite International Efforts - Huffington Post 5/1032360