Animal Testing
- The Truth About Animals Used for Experimentation - PETA215657
- Animal Testing - wikipedia124421
- Aktionsgemeinschaft Schweizer Tierversuchsgegner - Wintherthur, Switzerland124425
- Bundesverband der Tierversuchsgegner - Menschen für Tierrechte - Aachen, Germany124426
- Association for the Abolition of Animal testing - Zürich, Switzerland124427
- Global Clearinghouse for Information on Alternatives to Animal Testing - USA124431
- Nationaal Centrum Alternativen voor dierproven - Netherlands124432
- FISEA, Luxembourg124433
- What is animal testing? - Cruelty Free International215584
- Experiments on Animals: Overview - PETA215652
- Types of animal testing - Cruelty Free International215585
- Committee on Animals in Research (CAR) - Society for Neuroscience215587
- History of animal testing - Wikipedia215589
- Animal testing regulations - Wikipedia215590
- FELASA, the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations215591
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) - Wikipedia215592
- Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 - Wikipedia215633
- Animal welfare Act of 1966 - Wikipedia215634
- Alternatives to animal testing - Wikipedia 215635
- Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods215636
- American Fund for Alternatives to Animal Research (AFAAR)215637
- European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA)215638
- UCDavis Center for Animal Alternatives Information215639
- Alternatives and Searching the Literature for Animal Research215640
- Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM) 215641
- Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing215642
- Romanian Center for Alternative Test Methods (ROCAM) 215643
- Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME)215644
- Animal Free Research UK (AFRUK)215645
- National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs))215646
- Animal Research215647
- Animal Research and COVID-19215648
- About Animal Testing - Humane Society International 215651
- Polling for PETA reveals most students want universities to STOP funding animal testing - The Canary 04.11.24438815
- The End of the Lab Rat? - Scientific American 20.08.24429564
- PETA urges UK government to act after new puppy farm footage exposes cruel animal testing industry - Canary 09.08.24427491
- 11 Shocking Animal Testing Statistics That Are Hard to Swallow - PETA 28.06.24420821
- Billions Wasted, Millions Killed: The Truth About Your Tax Dollars - PETA 28.06.24420823
- Could AI put an end to animal testing? - BBC 05.06.24420822
- Procter and Gamble heiress proposes bill to stop the type of animal testing P&G has done - ABC5 30.04.24420826
- See how a former animal testing laboratory is transformed into an animal sanctuary - USA Today 25.04.24420827
- Cheshire laboratory creates 'human skin' to avoid animal testing - BBC 25.04.24420825
- This article is more than 6 months old 3D-printed chip showing body’s reaction to drugs could end need for animal tests - Guardian 27.12.23420824
- Awarding ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ for Ushering In the Truth on Animal Testing - PETA 17.10.23378364
- PETA Exhibit to Show Dark History of Animal Experiments, Including UMass Menopause Tests - PETA 16.10.23378365
- Video: Dog Takes 'First Ever Steps of Freedom' After 9 Years In Laboratory Cage - News Week 04.10.23377922
- Video: 'Welcome to freedom': Beagles rescued from animal testing lab in US get new lease on life in Canada - USA Today 21.09.23377900
- Three beagles rescued from animal testing facility by Beagle Alliance - USA Today 21.09.23377905
- The Gruesome Story of How Neuralink’s Monkeys Actually Died - Wired 20.09.23373194
- A new path to new drugs: Finding alternatives to animal testing - Science 01.09.23377901
- As world shifts to non-animal testing CSIRO outlines opportunities for Australia - Cosmos Magazine 31.08.23377912
- Alleged monkey conspiracy at Inotiv highlights need to end animal testing - Humane Society Blog 24.08.23370969
- Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Global Market 2023-2035: In-Vitro Testing Limitations and Regulatory Challenges Pose Obstacles for Market - Yahoo Finance 09…377907
- Activists hope Wayne State's new president will end school's animal testing program - Fox2 02.08.23377974
- European Commission accused of ‘ignoring’ citizens over cosmetic animal testing – despite decades-old ban - Vegan Food and Living 02.08.23370971
- Activists seek change in animal testing at Wayne State - Fox2 02.08.23377988
- Canada passes landmark bill to finally ban cosmetics animal testing and trade - Vegan Food and Living 27.07.23370973
- European Commission Backs Phaseout of Animal Use in Experiments and Chemical Tests but Ignores Citizens on Cosmetics - PETA 27.07.23378366
- Animal testing in Great Britain drops by 10% – but figures show a grim reality - Vegan Food and Living 18.07.23370972
- What’s worse than a cruel animal experiment? A cruel and fake animal experiment. - Vox 14.07.23377908
- Ford Spells Out Bans on Animal Testing for Suppliers, Scientific Studies - News Week 12.07.23377925
- PETA’s Big Impact! Inside the Campaign to End Car-Crash Tests on Animals - PETA 12.07.23378370
- Major Victory! Ford Motor Company Bans All Animal Testing - PETA 12.07.23378371
- PETA declares victory with animal ban for crash test research; Ford updates policy - Detroit Free Press 11.07.23377923
- Victory! Ford Officially Shifts Gears on Animal Testing - PETA 11.07.23378367
- Why Canada's ban on cosmetic testing on animals only applies to new products - CBC 08.07.23378368
- Government must set out path to end animal testing if AI eliminates need for it, ministers told - Independent 04.07.23377911
- Canada Bans ‘Cruel And Unnecessary’ Animal Testing For Cosmetics - Plant Based News 04.07.23370974
- Canada has officially banned testing cosmetics on animals - CNN 02.07.23377899
- India takes first step to remove animals from drug-testing process - The Hindu 29.06.23377909
- Canada banning cosmetic testing on animals - CBC 27.06.23377904
- Canada’s animal testing ban will come into effect in December - The Globe and Mail 27.06.23378369
- Video: Decade-long efforts put a stop to cosmetic testing on animals in Canada - CTV News 27.06.23377913
- Liberal government bans animal-testing cosmetics, but it's largely 'symbolic,' proponent says - National Post 27.06.23377977
- Video: Canada bans testing of cosmetics on animals, in line with dozens of other countries - CTV News 27.06.23377985
- Video: ‘Long overdue’: Cosmetic testing on animals now banned in Canada - Global News 23.06.23377981
- Major win: Canada just banned cosmetics animal testing and trade - Humane Society Blog 23.06.23370970
- Successfully reducing animal testing: The 3Rs principle in fish research - 22.06.23377902
- This scientist shaped a new law that moves Canada away from toxicity testing on animals - CBC 15.06.23377976
- Ending animal testing for good - Politico 13.06.23377896
- AI is already speeding up drug development and reducing animal testing - Fox Business 24.05.23377990
- UK government bans animal testing of chemicals used exclusively as cosmetic ingredients - Cosmetics Business 22.05.23347088
- Animal testing: UK bans testing licences for make-up ingredients - BBC 20.05.23377910
- expert reaction to government announcing that no new licences will be issued for animal testing of chemicals used exclusively as cosmetic ingredients - Science Media Center 1…347089
- Animal testing licences for makeup banned - BBC 17.05.23347090
- Video: What is animal testing? - BBC 16.05.23377979
- The government must ensure that animal testing of cosmetics is banned for good - Politics Home 16.05.23347092
- Animal testing: What is it and why are people talking about it? - BBC 16.05.23377898
- The Vegan Society calls on the government to reinstate the ban on animal testing for cosmetics ingredients - The Vegan Society 12.05.23347091
- UK quietly allows animal testing of cosmetics ‘as a last resort’ in some instances - The Telegraph 11.05.23345687
- Ford shareholders reject PETA request for annual report on animal testing process - Detroit Free Press 11.05.23377924
- Ban testing of make-up ingredients on animals, government urged - BBC 11.05.23345688
- Animal tests for makeup ingredients allowed - BBC 10.05.23377897
- GOTG 3: James Gunn Received An Award From PETA For His Depiction Of Animal Testing - Looper 09.05.23345690
- At Musk’s brain-chip startup, animal-testing panel is rife with potential conflicts - Reuters 09.05.23345695
- Maryland becomes first state to require animal testing labs to contribute money to non-animal research - Human Society 09.05.23345691
- Home Office can reinstate policy ban on animal testing for cosmetics, High Court judge rules - Vegan Food Living 06.05.23345693
- High court rejects claim UK government ‘secretly’ ditched animal testing ban - Guardian 06.05.23377906
- Elon Musk's Neuralink accused of 'obvious conflict of interest' by filling its animal-testing regulatory committee with staff who could profit, report says - Insider 05.05.23378372
- High Court Judge rules that Home Office can reinstate policy ban on animal testing for cosmetics - Politics Home 05.05.23345694