Selected articles
- U.S. Lists a Bumble Bee Species as Endangered for First Time - Scientific American 01/17166780
- Decline in Bee Population is Putting Global Food Industry at Risk - Fortune 02/16166779
- The Complex Causes of Worldwide Bee Declines - PHYS 01/16166775
- Largest Honeybee Loss Ever Recorded In The United Kingdom - CE 6/13166788
- EU to ban neonicotinoid pesticides - BBC 4/13166789
- EU says pesticides linked to bee decline should be restricted - BBC 1/13166792
- EFSA identifies risks to bees from neonicotinoids - EFSA 1/13166793
- Honey bees' genetic code unlocked - BBC 12/12166797
- Bee number losses 'increasing' - BBC 6/12166798
- Neurotoxic Pesticides Helping to Decimate Bee Populations, Studies Indicate - Common Dreams 3/12166802
- More Damning Evidence Points to Pesticide as Cause of Mass Bee Deaths - Common Dreams 1/12166806
- Decline of honey bees now a global phenomenon, says United Nations - 3/11166809
- Humans must change behaviour to save bees - Bikya Masr 3/11166812
- Here's What You Can Do To Help The Declining Bee Population - Popular Science 10/16166813
- Bees Under Bombardment: Report shows multiple factors behind pollinator losses - UNEP 3/11166817
- Loss of bees could be 'a blow to UK economy' - BBC 6/10166818
- Bee decline could be down to chemical cocktail interfering with brains - Guardian 6/10166822
- Projects to address decline of honeybees and other insect pollinators - 6/10166823
- Decline of pollinating insects probed - FT 6/10166826
- Bee decline a myth? - FarmOnline 5/10166827
- Scientists Blame Pesticides for Honeybee Decline - Rodale 3/10 (Archive)166831
- Finally, a suspect in bee decline: Mites in carcasses cited by University of Guelph entomologist - Star 1/10166832
- Bee decline linked to falling biodiversity - BBC 1/10166835
- Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder - Congressional Research Service 1/10 *pdf166836
- £1M award to address honeybee decline - BBSRC 10/09166839
- Colony Collapse: Are Potent Pesticides Killing Honeybees? - Mother Earth News 11/09166840
- Saving Bees: What We Know Now - NY Times 9/09166844
- Warning over honeybee decline - Independent 7/09166845
- UK launches ‘Plan Bee’ to protect pollinators - 3/09166848
- 'No proof' of bee killer theory - BBC 3/09166849
- Pesticide issues in the works: honey bee colony collapse disorder - US EPA 10/08166853
- EPA Buzz Kill: Is the Agency Hiding Colony Collapse Disorder Information? - NRDC 8/08166856
- UK film to explore bee decline and colony collapse disorder - Telegraph 8/08166857
- Vanishing Bees - NRDC 7/08166861
- Evidence that Bee Decline Is Reducing Food Supply - Daily Green 7/08166865
- Bee decline could raise food costs more, panel told - Seattle Times 6/08166869
- Colony Collapse Disorder: A Complex Buzz - USDA Agricultural Research Service 5/08166870
- Mysterious Honeybee Disappearance Linked to Rare Virus - Scientific American 9/07166874
- Virus implicated in bee decline - BBC 9/07166878
- Bee decline threatens our dinner and the countryside - Telegraph 8/07166879
- Bumblebee research to address decline, hopefully - Farm News 7/07166881
- Entomologists Buzzing About Vanishing Bee Populations - Science Daily 7/07166882
- Searching for What's Behind the Bee Decline - Scientific American 5/07166886
- Vanishing bees threaten US crops - BBC 3/07166890
- Bee vanishing act baffles keepers BBC 2/07166893
- Fall Dwindle Disease: A preliminary report - Florida DACS 12/06166894
- Flowers Disappear Alongside Wild Bees, Study Finds - PlanetArk 6/06166897
- Alien pest threatens honey bees - BBC 8/03166898
- Beekeepers battle killer mite - BBC 5/03166901
- Honeybee virus: Varroa mite spreads lethal disease - BBC 6/12166905
- Paper: How Hives Collapse: Allee Effects, Ecological Resilience, and the Honey Bee (B. Dennis & W. Kept, 2016) 166906