Coal in China
- IEA - China458867
- WorldoMeter - China Coal458874
- EPA - Emissions from Coal Mining in China458879
- China Coal Energy458876
- Coal in China - Wikipedia458866
- Coal power in China - Wikipedia458870
- China’s Reliance on Coal Undermines ‘Unprecedented Pace’ of Clean Energy Production: Report - EcoWatch 13.02.25457181
- Coal Continues to Lead China's Record Levels of Power Generation -Power Mag 27.01.25458888
- Coal Production: China Risk Series - URSA 11.09.24458890
- China has more than 1 billion tons/year of new coal mines in pipeline, report says - Reuters 10.09.24458869
- China’s coal-fired power boom may be ending amid slowdown in permits - Guardian 22.08.24458868
- Correlational analysis of occupational accidents and the safety policies in the Chinese coal mining industry from 2008 to 2021 - Nature 14.02.24458891
- Impacts of coal use phase-out in China on the atmospheric environment: (1) emissions, surface concentrations and exceedance of air quality standards - Science Direct 15.12.23458880
- China continues coal spree despite climate goals - Guardian 29.08.23458871
- Saudi Arabia considering Chinese bid to build nuclear plant, report says - Al Jazeera 25.08.23368132
- China approved 10.34 GW of new coal in the first half of 2024, a -79.5%year-on-year decrease - Greenpeace 20.08.24458875
- China is building six times more new coal plants than other countries, report finds - NPR 02.03.23458873
- China approves biggest expansion in new coal power plants since 2015, report finds - Guardian 27.02.23332127
- Coal exit can happen only with stronger policies – and with China - PIK 06.02.23331182
- China’s Coal Output Reached Record Heights in 2022 - EcoWatch 18.01.23325912
- China Is Burning More Coal, a Growing Climate Challenge - NY Times 03.11.22458877
- Reform and development of coal mine safety in China: An analysis from government supervision, technical equipment, and miner education - Science Direct 08/22458893
- Chinese premier calls for more coal production as electricity demand soars - Guardian 24.06.22303337
- China’s global coal machine won’t be stopped so easily - New Statesman 12.05.22287291
- Tracking the carbon footprint of China's coal-fired power system - Science Direct 02/22458878
- China’s coal production hit record levels in 2021 - Guardian 17.01.22270016
- World coal power demand to hit new high after China, India, U.S. surge - IEA - Reuters 17.12.21265687
- China urges developed countries to take the lead in cutting out coal - Guardian 15.11.21261316
- Alok Sharma ‘deeply frustrated’ by India and China over coal - Guardian 14.11.21261204
- How China shapes the world's coal - BBC 03.11.21458889
- 'Coal Is Dead': New Global Pact Announced After China's Bold Step - CD 24.09.21256102
- ‘Game-changer’: China to stop funding overseas coal projects - Al Jazeera 22.09.21255729
- BREAK: Xi Jinping says China will stop building coal plants overseas. This almost completely ends the international finance of coal in a single sentence. - Karl Mathiesen on…256104
- China's retrofitting measures in coal-fired power plants bring significant mercury-related health benefits - Science Direct 18.12.20458872
- Air pollutant emissions from coal-fired power plants in China over the past two decades - NIH 11/20458883
- The winter choke: Coal-Fired heating, air pollution, and mortality in China - Science Direct 05/20458882
- China Faces 4 Big Risks if it Continues Building More Coal Plants - WRI 02.12.19458887
- Report: Tackling Coal-Driven Air Pollution in China and India: Lessons learned for Indonesia - IISD 12.09.19458885
- Air pollution around Beijing rebounds as coal consumption rises by 13% - Unearthed 22.05.19458884
- China’s drive to clean up its coal power, one plant at a time – New Scientist 22.08.1699144
- The Effectiveness of Chinese Regulations on Occupational Health and Safety: A Case Study on China’s Coal Mine Industry - T&F Online 16.06.16458894
- Impacts of Coal Burning on Ambient PM2.5 Pollution in China - Copernicus, 2016458881
- China's coal reserves 'will make it new Middle East', says energy chief - Guardian 3/1199161
- China says coal‐mining deaths up 21% - NIH 12/07458892