Coal in India
- Ministry of Coal - Coal reserves458896
- EPA - Emissions from Coal Mining in India458947
- Coal in India - Wikipedia458895
- Coal India - Wikipedia458897
- Indian coal mining women - Wikipedia458960
- Indian coal allocation scam - Wikipedia458898
- Clean-up of Indian coal-fired power plants ‘could have saved 720,000 lives’ - Guardian 19.04.25458950
- Search for missing India miners ends as bodies recovered after 44 days - BBC 20.02.25458974
- Coal emissions cost India millions in crop damages - Stanford 04.02.25458975
- India reviews $30 billion sulphur-cutting programme for coal plants - Reuters 24.12.24447621
- Indian coal giants pushed for lax pollution rules while ramping up production - Climate Home News 28.10.24458943
- The other ‘Coal Scam’ - Frontline 02.06.24458957
- ‘They stole our jobs and life’: Anger and desperation in India’s coal belt - Al Jazeera 28.05.24458955
- Targeting India’s most harmful power plants could slash mortality - Guardian 17.05.24458966
- Air pollution mortality from India's coal power plants: unit-level estimates for targeted policy - IOP Science 15.05.24458965
- How unplanned coal mine closures in India are affecting dependent communities, especially women - Mongabay 21.03.24458962
- As the Future of India’s Coal Is Decided, Life in a Mining District Hangs in the Balance - Time 16.10.23458899
- Why India is rebuffing a coal-to-clean deal with rich nations - Climate Homes News 13.09.23458972
- India cracks down on critics of coal - Washington Post 05.06.23458902
- Coal mine explosions in India: Management failure, safety lapses and mitigative measures - Science Direct 06/23458956
- Modi govt allowed Adani coal deals it knew were ‘inappropriate’ - Al Jazeera 01.03.23458901
- ‘It was a set-up, we were fooled’: the coal mine that ate an Indian village - Guardian 20.12.22458952
- Women in India’s West Bengal fight upcoming coal mine - Al Jazeera 21.04.22283468
- Mining India's troubled history of coal and politics - Chatham House 21.12.21458953
- India criticised over coal at Cop26 – but real villain was climate injustice - Guardian 14.11.21458973
- Why India Can’t Wean Itself Off Coal - FP 08.10.21458971
- Climate change: Why India can't live without coal - BBC 28.09.21458945
- Mining in India is fraught with danger - BSC 07.08.21458954
- Unheard and Unseen: Mining Women in British India - Social History Society 13.07.21458961
- Report: When land is lost, do we eat coal? - Amnesty 05/21458904
- Coal burning responsible for heavy air pollution in India: IEACCC study - Down to Earth 15.02.21458970
- Talk renewables, walk coal: The paradox of India's energy transition - Science Direct 02/21458903
- India plans to fell ancient forest to create 40 new coalfields - Guardian 08.08.20215973
- Massive worker participation in three-day India Coal strike - WSWS 11.07.20212347
- Hundreds of thousands of Indian coal miners launch three-day strike against privatisation - WSWS 03.07.20211874
- Report: Tackling Coal-Driven Air Pollution in China and India: Lessons learned for Indonesia - IISD 12.09.19458886
- Report: Out of Sight: How coal burning advances India’s Air Pollution Crisis - Greenpeace 06/18458967
- India cancels plans for huge coal power stations as solar energy prices hit record low - Independent 23.05.17201592
- The Human Cost Of India’s Push to Produce More Coal - E360 15.03.16458900
- India: At the coalface - FT 31.03.15458905
- Indian coal power plants world’s most polluting - Dialogue Earth 25.02.15458969
- Coalgate: India urges supreme court not to close coal mines - Guardian 01.09.14458958
- Robb Kendrick: Life in India’s Coal Mines - Nat Geo 28.03.14458964
- India's coal cycle wallahs: 'People have no alternative but to steal from mines' - Guardian 06.09.13458963
- Up to 115,000 Indians killed by coal in 2012 - Greenpeace 3/1399154
- Outrage over report that India lost $210bn in coal scam - BBC 22.03.12458959
- Environmental impact of coal industry and thermal power plants in India - Science Direct, 2004458951
- Sources of air pollution due to coal mining and their impacts in Jharia coalfield - Science Direct 08/00458968