Child Poverty
- Child Poverty Action Group: Poverty - facts and figures456131
- Child poverty - Wikipedia456135
- The Children's Society - What are the effects of child poverty?456176
- End Childhood Poverty456143
- JRF - Child poverty456133
- Poverty Child456134
- SOS Children's Villages - Poverty in Africa456169
- UNICEF - Child poverty456132
- World Vision - How bad is child poverty in Africa?456157
- Child Poverty in the Developing World - Bristol University 456138
- Report: Child Poverty in the Midst of Wealth - UNICEF 456139
- 10 Ways Poverty Affects Children - Compassion456178
- 1 in 6 children lives in extreme poverty, World Bank-UNICEF analysis shows - UNICEF 456141
- Report: Child Rights and Child Poverty in Developing Countries - Bristol University 456140
- Global Trends in Child Monetary Poverty According to International Poverty Lines - World Bank456144
- Publication: Child Welfare in Developing Countries - Springer 456146
- The World's Child Poverty Hotspots - Statista 17.10.24456137
- Barriers Beyond Time: Poverty’s Restriction on A Child’s Education - Borgen Magazine 22.08.24456149
- What do we know about child poverty in developing economies? - Economics Observatory 29.07.24456136
- How poverty affects children’s mental health - Action for Children 26.06.24456177
- Publication: Shocks and the changing profiles of children living in poverty - UNICEF 05/24456168
- 1.4 billion children globally missing out on basic social protection, according to latest data - UNICEF 14.02.24456151
- 1 in 5 children in world’s richest countries living in poverty - UN News 05.12.23456152
- The impact of poverty on early childhood - Centre for Early Childhood 23.11.23456181
- Child poverty in 2023: inequity in times of crises - The Lancet 11/23456142
- Unearthing the challenge: Child poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa - Borgen Project 19.10.23456158
- Children bearing brunt of stalled progress on extreme poverty reduction worldwide - UNICEF 13.09.23456156
- Society to cell: How child poverty gets “Under the Skin” to influence child development and lifelong health - Science Direct 09/21456180
- This unique, 20-year study followed the lives of 12,000 children in the developing world. Here’s what it discovered - WEF 07.05.21456153
- Covid-19 could push 30 million African children into poverty - Save the Children 09.04.20456165
- Child poverty, status of rural women and education in sub Saharan Africa - Science Direct 04/20456159
- Children in Africa will make up more than half of global poverty by 2030 – new ODI paper - ODI Global 27.08.19456161
- Multidimensional Child Poverty in three Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa - NIH 22.08.19456162
- 10 Barriers to Education That Children Living in Poverty Face - Global Citizen 13.08.19456154
- Tackling the multidimensionality of child poverty - The Lancet 04/19456148
- Half the world’s poor are children - University of Oxford 01.06.17456167
- Nearly half all children in sub-Saharan Africa in extreme poverty, report warns - Guardian 05.10.16456155
- Unicef: Fifth of developing world children in extreme poverty - BBC 04.10.16456150
- Sub-Saharan African children left behind amid global poverty fall - FT 24.08.16456166
- Child poverty, inequality and demography - ODI Global 19.08.16456163
- Publication: Child Sensitive Social Protection: Addressing child poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa - Save the Children 12/15456164
- Publication: Analysing Child Poverty and Deprivation in sub-Saharan Africa - Save the Children, 2014456160
- Social protection and children in developing countries - Science Direct 03/12456147
- Understanding Child Poverty in Developing Countries: Measurement and Analysis - Stefan Dercon, 2012456145
- Mental health effects of poverty, hunger, and homelessness on children and teens - APA, 2009456179