
➡️ GivingTuesday - Creating a Culture of Generosity
GivingTuesday is a global movement and organisation which is celebrated on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, it also aims to inspire a culture of year-round generosity. The grassroots collective combines the power of people and organisations giving them the tools to transform their local communities.
Their network is made-up of non-profits, platforms, religious institutions, families, schools, and the private sector. Data commons has grown to be the largest philanthropic data collaboration ever built. This collection of data is designed to aid with decision making, resilience, and innovation in the social sector.
This global event aims to shift our focus away from consumerism and materialism, towards generosity and kindness (via charitable giving or community support) - counterbalancing consumer-heavy days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In 2023, donors in the U.S. gave $3.1 billion in the name of Giving Tuesday. It's not all about money either, people also contribute through volunteering, carrying out acts of kindness, and giving their time, voices, and services. In 2022, 11 million people donate goods and 10 million volunteered in the U.S. alone.
The movement originated in the U.S in 2012 and quickly spread to 90 countries around the world. It inspires people to be more generous in their day to day lives, and people are drawn to the idea of collective impact. Togetherness and community are a huge appeal and form a big part of the reason why so many people feel compelled to get involved. GivingTuesday demonstrates perfectly the profound impact of collective, small acts of kindness.
German speakers should visit Bessere Welt Info for a guide to GivingTuesday in German.
Better World Info Campaign - #GivingTuesday
Better World Info is a treasure chest filled to the brim with ideas on how to make the world a better place – and everyone can help themselves. On GivingTuesday, we turn Better World Info into a big knowledge avalanche - for every article read and shared, our reach and commitment to education, sustainability, environmental protection, climate, human rights, peace, and social justice increases.
Delve into our diverse categories and find handpicked articles and videos that inform and inspire. Use the power of social media to share your knowledge with others. Discuss it, because conversations can lead to big changes. Encourage your friends and family to do the same and take action on the knowledge they have gained. Your influence can make waves. The more people you reach, the greater the impact – every contribution counts! More knowledge in the minds of more people leads to a better world. Everyone can participate!
For more information on our GivingTuesday campaign checkout ➡️ our blog
Join us this December 3rd and our "Share Knowledge, Improve the World" campaign - be a part of the Better World community. We are counting on you!
Author: Norbert Stute and Rachael Mellor, Date: 25.11.24 - licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
For further reading on GivingTuesday see below ⬇️
- *Our Blog - Better World Info’s GivingTuesday Campaign442647
- How to participate442651
- Find GivingTuesday in your country442652
- GivingTuesday - Wikipedia440689
- GivingTuesday UK - I am a charity440690
- @GivingTuesdayCa - Canada442633
- @GivingTuesdayUK442634
- @GivingTuesdayDE - Germany442636
- @RadioFreeAsha442678
- @marcmaxmeister - Data Scientist at GivingTuesday442637
- #GivingTuesday440691
- #GivingTuesday2024442638
- TikTok442640
- YouTube Search440692
- @henrytimms442655
- TED Speaker - Asha Curran442676
- Gates Foundation - Giving Tuesday Inc442654
- How to Make the Most of GivingTuesday or Any Giving Day - Philanthropy441223
- Awesome #GivingTuesday Advice From 30+ Nonprofit Experts - Double the Donation 441227
- Giving Tuesday Statistics For Nonprofits - NP Source441231
- Democracy Now! - Gift Catalogue442631
- Democracy Now - Donate today442632
- Human Rights Watch - Donate today443893
- The Movement Changing the Way We Help Others - Guide Posts442669
- Nonprofit Leaders Have A Competitive Giving Tuesday Ahead - Forbes 30.11.24442917
- What Is GivingTuesday? - VOA 29.11.24442918
- Avoid scams and think outside the box this Giving Tuesday - Kolo 8 28.11.24442648
- How to get involved in Giving Tuesday 2024 - Charity Digital 28.11.24442646
- Opinions Differ On If Donors Will Show Up On GivingTuesday - Nonprofit Times 25.11.24442650
- Giving Tuesday’s top Rotary clubs share fundraising tips - Rotary 11/24442649
- What is Giving Tuesday and how to celebrate? - Independent 28.10.24441067
- Video: 6 Ideas to Stand Out on #GivingTuesday | Nonprofit Fundraising - Amber Melanie Smith 13.10.24442639
- 12 GivingTuesday Statistics for 2024 Every Fundraiser Should Know - Neon One 20.08.24441230
- Video: Unveiling the Secrets of “New Power” with Lincoln Center President & CEO Henry Timms | MIForum 2024 - Media Impact Funders 24.06.24442664
- Video: How Acts of Kindness Sparked a Global Movement | Asha Curran - TED 15.12.23442677
- Why Helping People Makes You Happy, a TED Talk from Asha Curran - Giving Tuesday 14.12.23442682
- How to make the most of Giving Tuesday 2023 - Charity Digital 28.11.23441068
- Video: Heart of Giving podcast, Asha Curran, CEO of GivingTuesday - BBB Wise Giving Alliance 28.11.23442643
- Giving Tuesday, explained - Vox 24.11.23441228
- Nine ways to celebrate #GivingTuesday in your community - Gates Foundation 21.11.23442653
- Grow Generosity on Giving Tuesday - Philanthropy Round Table 20.11.23441229
- 11 Remarkable GivingTuesday Stats for 2023 - The Giving Block 04.08.23441232
- Podcast: It's a Movement if it Moves Without You with Giving Tuesday - System Catalysts 06.06.23442674
- Video: Asha Curran talks about Innovation in Philanthropy at the Nonprofit Leadership Summit 2023 - Unitedwestchester 06.04.23442689
- Henry Timms Receives Honor From King Charles III - Nonprofit Times 09.01.23442670
- The Case for Effusive Altruism - SSIR, 2023442679
- A Call to Everyday Givers: Maximize Your Impact by Giving in Community - Ms Magazine 26.12.21442681
- Video: Giving Tuesday Is an International Success. Creator Henry Timms Shares How They Did It - Harvard Business Review 09.12.22442641
- How day for 'radical generosity' went global - BBC 29.11.22442665
- Giving Tuesday: Everything you need to know - Big Issue 25.11.22441224
- 5 Ideas for Boosting Giving Tuesday Charity Donations in 2023 - Way to Bill 03.11.22441225
- Video: Asha Curran on Scaling Change Through Networks - Nexus Global Network 17.05.22442688
- There’s a problem with Giving Tuesday—it’s not what you think it is - Fortune 30.11.21442673
- Video: Giving Tuesday! Tips for Nonprofit Fundraising success 11/21440693
- Why Nonprofits Need to Stop Hating On #GivingTuesday - JC 11/21441226
- Video: Dan Pink in conversation with Henry Timms - Next Big Idea Club 19.08.21442656
- Asha Curran, CEO of Giving Tuesday, appointed new board chair of; Vivian Schiller, Alice Rhee, and Lois Quam appointed to the board - Guardian 10.12.19442684
- Video: In Conversation With Asha Curran, Co-Founder & CEO, GivingTuesday Global - GivingTuesday India 03.12.19442645
- 48% Of Young People Discover Nonprofits Via Social Media: Giving Tuesday Study - Forbes 01.12.19442686
- Video: The new power of philanthropy featuring Henry Timms - Ford Foundation 04.11.19442662
- The new power of philanthropy featuring Henry Timms - Ford Foundation 11/19442666
- Video: How Henry Timms was inspired to create Giving Tuesday - PBS 28.11.18442661
- Meet Henry Timms & Asha Curran, #GivingTuesday movement – the third of this year’s Olga Prize finalists - Alliance 22.02.18442667
- The #GivingTuesday Model - SSIR, 2018442687
- #GivingTuesday Began With A Simple Idea - Huff Post 28.11.16442672
- Meet Asha Curran, a director at the 92 Street Y and a Woman of Influence - Biz Journals 01.03.16442685
- A Q&A with the Founder of Giving Tuesday - Fortune 30.11.15442675
- Giving Tuesday founder: 'Donors expect to be philanthropists on their own terms' - Guardian 26.08.15442671