The Energy Transition and Social Justice
- AGCI - Justice in the Transition374723
- IRENA - Socio-economic impact374765
- SOMO - Advocating climate justice and a fair energy transition374726
- Labor Market Impacts of the Energy Transition - Harvard 374730
- Toolkit: Community-led Renewable Energy Projects - Our Own Power.448854
- How do we ensure the green transition doesn't penalize the poorest? - WEF 18.07.24423550
- Study: A third of Africa’s great apes at risk from mining of transition metals - Mongabay 28.06.24420743
- Will developing countries benefit from the renewables boom? - UN News 25.01.24396537
- Green face, old tricks - New Internationalist 21.12.23396952
- How we can create a global energy transition inclusive of the Global South - WEF 15.11.23386135
- Respecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities can advance the energy transition - IHRB 25.09.23374741
- Green financing, a just transition to protect Indigenous Peoples’ rights - OHCHR 09/23374749
- North-South divide threatens to stall inclusive global energy transition - Sustainable Future News 02.08.23374713
- Report: Finding common ground for a just energy transition: Labour and employer perspectives - IRENA 08/23374758
- Report: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in a Just Energy Transition - ORF Online 13.07.23374737
- The Energy Transition Is Underway. Fossil Fuel Workers Could Be Left Behind - NY Times 12.07.23374729
- Making the energy transition just, equal and possible - Gender Energy Compact 06.07.23374738
- Renewables projects must respect Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Here's how - WEF 11.05.23374744
- The reskilling challenge: How can we leave no one behind in the energy transition? - Reuters 26.04.23374732
- Q&A: Bridging gender and just energy transitions - SEI 18.04.23374739
- Communities First: Equity and Justice in the Just Transition - NRDC 29.03.23374725
- The lack of gender targets for clean energy is harming women and girls - SDG Action 02.03.23374735
- Five considerations for a just transition for Indigenous communities and ethnic minorities - SEI 14.11.22374745
- Working to align energy transitions and social justice in the Netherlands - ECPR 26.08.22374724
- Energy transition requires deeper North/South collaboration - report - IEF 01.08.23374714
- Just Transitions for All: Achieving Climate and Social Justice - ILO 18.07.23374716
- Addressing Trade-offs Between Energy Transitions and SDGs through G20 Partnerships: An ‘Inequality’ Perspective - ORF Online 05.07.23374761
- Putting Poverty Alleviation and Inequality Reduction at the Heart of the Energy Transition - IISD 22.04.22374750
- Over Half the World's Energy Transition Minerals Are on Indigenous Lands - Land Portal 08.12.22374746
- Just Transition Policy Brief - ILO 11/22374747
- Energy Transition Must Not Reproduce Injustices to Indigenous Peoples: PFII Note - IISD 10.03.22374743
- The Energy Transition: Opportunities and Challenges for Indigenous Communities in the US and Canada - Energy Policy 08.02.23374740
- Interweaving Energy Poverty and the Just Energy Transition Agenda - Business & Human Rights 24.10.22374755
- 'Energy transition must put society first to help avoid inequality' - National News 14.09.22374764
- Energy inequality and low carbon futures: geography matters - Manchester University 17.06.22374763
- Report: Accelerating Transition - Indigenous Clean Energy 06/22374742
- Report Details How Community Utilities Can Usher In Green Energy Transition - CD 18.04.22283355
- In pursuit of an inclusive energy transition - UNCTAD 11.04.22374762
- To be just, the energy transition must include and empower women - UNDP 22.03.22374734
- Employment effects of the renewable energy transition in the electricity sector - ETUI 12/21374727
- The importance of focusing on jobs and fairness in clean energy transitions - IEA 06.07.21374728
- Energy transition and social justice: Do renewable energy levies have an impact on income distribution and energy poverty? - ResearchGate 07/21374720
- Humanising the Energy Transition: Towards a National Policy on Energy Poverty in the Netherlands - Frontiers 01.06.21374751
- Planning an Inclusive Indigenous Energy Transition: Lessons from Tribal Federal Policy and Energy Development to Date - MIT 06/21374748
- Energy Poverty and Low Carbon Just Energy Transition: Comparative Study in Lithuania and Greece - Springer Link 29.04.21374752
- Race and the politics of energy transitions - ResearchGate 01/21374759
- Biggest challenge in energy transition is social justice, EU official says - Euractiv 01.12.20374718
- Energy poverty and the energy transition - TNO 18.11.20374753
- Energy justice towards racial justice - Nature 14.08.20374757
- How the clean energy transition affects workers and communities - EDF 11.08.20374731
- The justice and equity implications of the clean energy transition - Nature 12.06.20374715
- Inside Clean Energy: The Racial Inequity in Clean Energy and How to Fight It - Inside Climate News 11.06.20374760
- Just Transitions: Social Justice in the Shift Towards a Low-Carbon World - JSTOR, 2020374721
- Just energy transitions? Social inequities, vulnerabilities and unintended consequences - Building Cities, 2020374722
- Shifts to renewable energy can drive up energy poverty, study finds - Science Daily 12.07.19374756
- Energy transition, poverty and inequality: panel evidence from Vietnam - MPRA 12.06.19374754
- Report: Outlook on employment effects of a Global Energy Transition - Greenpeace 04/19374733
- Report: Tracking gender and the clean energy transition - IEA 30.08.18374736
- Social justice, energy transition and climate change on the eve of the COP21 - South Centre 01.05.15374717