- Protest : Stop de haat ! Samen tegen Trump en Wilders ! - Amsterdam, NL - 20 Jan7469
- Das ist unser Haus - over betaalbaar en solidair huurwonen in collectieve panden - Netherlands - 26 Jan8106
- Tweede Klimaat Actie Conferentie - Amsterdam - 28 Jan7511
- Conference : Governing Urban Diversity - Creating social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-diversified cities - Rotterdam, Netherlands - 8-1…7518
- Rythms of Resistance Workshop - Nijmegen, Netherlands - 18 Feb7530
- Boomhutsloop - Gfschinveld, Netherlands - 21 Feb7532
- 23-25 Feb - The yearly 2.Dh5 festival returns to Ru Paré in Amsterdam for its eighteenth edition, Amsterdam, Netherlands8116
- Reclaim the Seeds 2017: Spread the seed! - Nijmegen, Netherlands - 4+5 March7554
- Netherlands : Dag van het sleepwetreferendum: stem tegen het referendum - 21 March8167
- Movies that Matter Film Festival 2017 - Den Haag, Netherlands - 24 March to 1 April7591
- Martin Luther King Lezing 2018 - Den Haag, Netherlands - 4 April 8182
- aprilThe Dutch Referendum on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: Legal options for navigating a tricky and awkward situation - CEPS 8 April8165
- World Press Photo Festival 2018 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 13-14 April8191
- Netherlands : Guerrilla Gardeners weekend 21-22 April8207
- March for Science - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 22 April7621
- CODE ROOD: 4de Conferentie Klimaatactie 2017 - Amsterdam, Netherlands -23 April7627
- Netherlands : Peoples Climate March - Amsterdam - 29 April7651
- CODE ROOD info evening - Amsterdam, NL - 9 May7672
- Uit de nucleaire impasse? NVMP-Symposium - Amersfoort, Netherlands - 21 May 7051
- New Europe. City makers Summit - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 27-30 May7055
- European Cyclists Federation Annual General Meeting - Netherlands - 11 June7721
- Exhibition: dienstweigeraars en deserteurs in Nazi Duitsland - Netherlands - until 30 June7102
- Sustaining our activism training in The Netherlands - 13-17 July7123
- SHA2017 is a non profit outdoor Hacker camp/conference taking place in Zeewolde, The Netherlands - 4th to 8th of August 7799
- VREDESWEEK 2017 - Netherlands - 16-24 Sept7900
- Crisis in Gaza. A discussion on the context and history - Amsterdam, Sept 186874
- Vredessymposium 2017 : Vredesmissies zonder wapens - Utrecht, Netherlands - 20 Sept7886
- European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition 2014 - Amsterdam, Sept 22-266886
- Netherlands : De zaak over wapenexport naar Egypte van PILP-NJCM e.a. dient op dinsdag 3 oktober 2017 om 10.30 uur bij het Gerechtshof Amsterdam. Deze zitting is openbaar.7931
- Peace Boat Voyage 2016 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Oct 67280
- INTERNATIONL MONSANTO TRIBUNAL - The Hague, Netherlands - 12-16 October7297
- Dorothe DAY Festival by Catholic Worker Amsterdam - Netherlands - 14 Oct7967
- Trainingsweekend voor de NLse Klimaatbeweging - Netherlands - 14 – 16 Oct7298
- Brainwash Festival - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 21-28 Oct7981
- Bus from Netherlands naar Bonn COP23 - 5 Nov8010
- Amsterdam Stands with Standing Rock - Netherlands - 7 Nov7343
- International Documentary Film Festival - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 15-26 Nov8064
- BIG BROTHER Awards 2017 Netherlands - Amsterdam - 11 Dec8084