General Info on Literature
- Guardian - Books56619
- Literature - Wikipedia56623
- The People's Book Prize56634
- Kazuo Ishiguro - Wikipedia 297615
- European Union Prize for Literature56650
- Words Without Borders - Magazine for International Literature56641
- Project Gutenberg - oldest digital library (mainly public domain books)56618
- Google Books - huge collection but often criticised for copyright infringement56622
- Open Content Alliance - similar to Google Books but asks copyright holder first56617
- Marjin Kiri - Indonesia - facebook56652
- Marjin Kiri - Publishing House & Distribution - Indonesia56651
- Jane Austen (1775-1817) - Wikipedia56649
- The magazine "samizdat" - Russia - rus56648
- The Admirable Radical: Staughton Lynd and Cold War Dissent, 1945-1970 - Powell's Books56644
- The Discovery of Heaven - Harry Mulisch (1992)56642
- Politics and Prose - You Tube452118
- The Observer view on Jane Austen’s 250th anniversary: Once more unto the breeches - Guardian 28.12.24447990
- Norway’s Jon Fosse wins 2023 Nobel Prize in literature - Al Jazeera 05.10.23375734
- Critics Rip Private Equity Firm's Deal to Buy Simon & Schuster as 'Dark Day for Publishing' - CD 08.07.23367439
- Video: 2021 Nobel Literature Prize Winner Abdulrazak Gurnah on Colonialism & the Power of Language - DN! 12.05.22304946
- What Politics Does to History (Book Review): The Admirable Radical: Staughton Lynd and Cold War Dissent, 1945–1970 - New Republic 7/1056643
- pro books - Russia - rus56645
- pro books - Russia - eng56646
- The magazine "samizdat" - Russia - eng56647
- Banipal (UK) - Magazine of Modern Arab Literature56640
- ‘I could do with more readers!’ – Abdulrazak Gurnah on winning the Nobel prize for literature - Guardian 11.10.21259217
- Abdulrazak Gurnah: where to start with the Nobel prize winner - Guardian 08.10.21259219
- Nobel Wisdom: Orhan Pamuk & Carol Greider - Big Think Series Video56639
- Central Books (UK) - Independent Distributor of Books & Magazines56638
- Literary Institute named after AM Gorky - Russia - eng56636
- Literary Institute named after AM Gorky -Литературный институт имени А.М. Горького - Russia - rus56635
- kutub:na - Neue deutschsprachige Bücher für die arabische Welt - Germany (Arabic, German)56633
- Fikrun Wa Fann - Art and Thought - German-Arabic cultural magzine - Goethe-Institute, Germany (English, Arabic, German)56632
- Faust Kultur - Frankfurt, Germany56631
- Litraturhuset - Oslo, Norway - nor, eng56630
- Contemporary Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature in English56626
- Spokesmanbooks - Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation56624
- Alternative Bookshop Online - pamphlets and books from left-wing perspectives56625
- American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression - USA56620
- Banned Books Week56621
- Litprom - Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Literatur aus Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika - Frankfurt, Germany56627
- Arabic Literature - Middle east & Islamic Studies Collection - Cornell University56628
- Palestine Festival of Literature56629
- Andalus Publishing (Israel)233854
- The very best books of 2023 - Vox 20.12.23390202
- Booker prize reveals ‘original and thrilling’ 2023 longlist - The Guardian 01.08.23365590
- ‘A marvellous spot to give into temptation’: readers’ favourite literary bars, pubs and cafes - Guardian 01.12.22318200
- Why are so many literary prizes closing? - New Statesman 22.07.22297247