Culture of remembrance & historical work-up
- European Memories of the Gulag - From 1939 to 1953, nearly a million people from the European territories annexed by the USSR were deported to the Gulag - INED, France - rus,…224319
- European Network of Official Authorities in Charge of the Secret Police Files224157
- - post-BSSR : BELARUS Republic .............................................................224133
- Khatyn - State Memorial complex 224145
- Memorial Belarus, Minsk224317
- Belarus - Informationportal to European Sites of Remembrance224362
- - Lithunian Republic .............................................................224138
- Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights - situated in the former KGB building, where the crimes of the Soviet regime were planned and executed, Vilnius - eng, rus 224252
- - Latvian Republic ........................................224136
- The KGB Building: The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia224147
- KGB Building / Izstaigā Stūra māju, Riga - fb224249
- Museum of the Occupation of Latvia / Музей оккупации Латвии, Riga - eng, rus, ger, lv224248
- - Estonia .............................................................224251
- KGB Museum on the 23rd floor of Sokos Hotel Viru - Tallinn, Estonia224250
- - Polish Republic ..........................................224135
- The Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation - Instytut Pamieci Narodowej224146
- Ośrodek KARTA, Poland224328
- Ośrodek KARTA - fb224327
- - Czech Republic .............................................224322
- Memorial Česká republika - fb224320
- Institute for the Study of Totalitrian Regimes - Czech Republic224156
- GULAG CZ - eng, rus, cz224321
- - Romania ............................................................................224323
- Romanian Repulic ; The National Council for the Study of Securitate Archives (Consiliul National pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securitatii – CNSAS)224159
- - post CCCP : Russian Federation .................................................................224134
- Правозащитный Центр "Мемориал" / Human Rights Center, Moscow224167
- Правозащитный Центр "Мемориал" / Human Rights Center, Moscow - fb224166
- ПЦ Мемориал - Memorial HR - tw224339
- Memorial Society - Международный Мемориал - The international historical, educational, charitable and human rights society224158
- Международный Мемориал - Memorial International - fb224165
- Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial - Bruxelles, Belgium - rus, eng224254
- Sakharov Center - Mockba224337
- Sakharov Center / Сахаровский центр - twitter224338
- Sakharov Center / Сахаровский центр - fb224340
- Музей истории ГУЛАГа / GULAG History Meseum - The institution, subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture 224163
- Музей истории ГУЛАГа / GULAG History Museum, Moscow - fb224162
- Museum of the History of Political Repression Tomsk NKVD Prison - rus224318
- 1917-1991 - Die letzten Zeugen / ПОСЛЕДНИЕ СВИДЕТЕЛИ Видео-интервью с жертвами и свидетелями советской тоталитарной эпохи - rus, ger224324
- Solovki Camp (Gulag) - Canadian website - eng, rus224335
- socialist.memo.ru224330
- KGB Prison, Potsdam, Germany - wikipedia224669
- Project : GULAG. Many Days - Many Lives - The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, USA 224333
- our Links to : Stalin Archipel Gulag224325
- - post-NAZI-GERMANY (1933-45 / post-GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLI 1949-1991 + Federal Republic of Germany, unification 1991 .......................224137
- - NAZI-Germany 1933-1945 ........................................................................224666
- Гестапо / Gestapo - wikipedia - rus224690
- The Historic Site : Topography of Terror. The institutions of Nazi terror - Berlin - multilingual website224140
- Federal Association Information and Advice for Survivors of Nazi Persecution / Bundesverband Information & Beratung für NS-Verfolgte e.V.224343
- Gedenkstättenportal Europa / Sites of Remembrance in Europe - eng, ger224359
- NS Zwangsarbeit Dokumentationszentrum / Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre, Berlin-Schöneheide224255
- Projekt "Zwangsarbeit 1939-1945" / Project “Forced Labor 1939-1945" - Berlin - eng, rus, cz, ger224360
- Exhibition : Crimes of the German Wehrmacht / Verbrechen der Wehrmacht. Dimensionen des Vernichtungskrieges 1941-1944 - wikipedia224689
- Stolpersteine / literally "stumbling stone" - wikipedia224243
- Stolpersteine / Камни преткновения 224244
- Bundesvereinigung der Opfer NS-Militärjustiz e.V., Bremen - ger 224242
- Deserteursdenkmale - Initiatives for Memorials of Deserteurs from NAZI-Germany military (Wehrmacht) - compiled by Connection224682
- Anne Frank Zentrum, Frankfurt - eng, ger 224361
- White Rose (resistance movement) - wikipedia - eng224697
- - GDR - 1949-1991 ...............................................................................224665
- German Democratic Republic - GDR (East Germany)224667
- Ministry for State Security of the GDR - wikipedia224668
- Welcome to the Stasi Museum Berlin224141
- Stasibesetzung 224164
- Journal : About listen and look / Horch + Guck - eng224685
- О слушай и смотри / Über Horch und Guck - rus224684
- DDR-Staatssicherheit und sowjetischer KGB 224691
- Gedenk- und Begegnungsstätte ehem. KGB-Gefängnis Potsdam e.V.224253
- Film : Das Leben der Anderen. 2006 / Жизнь других - wikipedia - rus224683
- platform zeitzeugenbuero was set up 2009 by the Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Eastern Germany224241
- Germany : Gedenkstätten und Museen zur DDR-Geschichte ....................224144
- Robert Havemann Gesellschaft - Archiv der DDR Opposition - Berlin 224168
- Links to GDR historic work-up - compiled by Martin-Luther-King Center, Werdau224688
- Bürgerkomitee Leipzig e.V. - für die Auflösung der ehemaligen Staatssicherheit (MfS), Leipzig - eng, ger, fra, esp 224687
- Archiv Bürgerbewegung - Archive Citizen Movement - Leipzig224686
- - Federal Republic of Germany 1991 onwards ...............................................................224142
- Stasi-Unterlagen-Gesetz 1991 - wikipedia224670
- Gesetz über die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik - wikipedia224671
- The Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the former GDR - Berlin224143
- Federal Association Information and Advice for Survivors of Nazi Persecution / Bundesverband Information & Beratung für NS-Verfolgte e.V.230384
- MEMORIAL Deutschland, Berlin - Mitglied des internationalen MEMORIAL-Netzwerkes (Moskau)224245
- MEMORIAL Deutschland - fb224246
- Lew Kopelew Forum, Cologne, Germany - rus, ger, pol224342
- Die letzte Adresse - fb224247
- - further countries .........................................................................224329
- Karlag /Карлага НКВД - Kasachstan224336
- Остання Адреса - Україна - fb224341
- Memorial - Italia224326
- Gulag Italia224332
- AAMF Association des amis de MEMORIAL en France224331
- sort :224139
- post-colonial Germany ..........................................................224453