- Video: Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day" (must watch)211915
- Video: Free Hugs Campaign - Official Page (music by Sick Puppies)211901
- Video: TED Talk - Kindness - Orly Wahba 12/14211911
- Kindness - Wikipedia211890
- Altruism - Wikipedia211892
- Empathy - Wikipedia211893
- Generosity - Wikipedia211894
- Kindness Day UK - Wikipedia211895
- Kindness Day UK - November 13211896
- World Kindness Day - November 13 - Wikipedia223546
- Random act of kindness - Wikipedia211897
- Random Acts of Kindness Day - US February 17 + UK November 4 - Wikipedia211902
- Random Acts of Kindness Foundation211903
- Make Kindness The Norm.™ Become a RAKtivist® today!211904
- make kindness the norm. At Your School211905
- Stay Kind Movement - Website301195
- LiveVest Inside211913
- Free Hugs Campaign211900
- Free Hugs Campaign - Wikipedia211899
- Kindness Day UK - Wikipedia 211916
- The Kindness Offensive - TKO211918
- The Kindness Offensive (UK) - Wikipedia211917
- Book: Kindness Boomerang - Orly Wahba211914
- Movie and book: Pay it Forward - Wikipedia page212168
- Small actions, big impact - Good News for You 438385
- Rewind and be kind: what happens if you do one act of kindness every day? - Guardian 30.03.25463169
- Kindness Can Have Unexpectedly Positive Consequences - Scientific American 12.12.22322219
- Kindness means friendship, Kindness means love, Kindness means respecting each other’s differences... - Sesame Street on Twitter 13.11.20226768
- Complimenting strangers changed my life – you should give it a try - Guardian 22.07.20214342
- 'Small changes make a big difference': Harry Styles tells the story of Treat People With Kindness 12/19211891
- Book: Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty 1/17211898
- Random Acts of Kindness - BattleFront211919
- Mitzvah Day International - Wikipedia211920
- Sewa Day - Wikipedia211921
- @staykindmovemnt301193
- @LifeVestInside211912
- RAK Foundation - Twitter211910
- RAK Foundation - Instagram211909
- RAK Foundation - Pinterest211908
- Pay it forward day212169
- #RandomActsOfKindness211907
- #DoGoodFromHome211906
- Casa Batlló - Gaudí Barcelona, España - beautiful evening in Spain - @Leticia35170144 28.10.22314176
- You did not choose your: 1 birthplace You can choose to be: 1 kind - @ValaAfshar 13.11.20229017
- Be kind to all WorldKindnessDay - PEANUTS on Twitter 13.11.20227109
- Video: Orly Wahba explains KINDNESS 6/18211922
- Video: Heal the World (Life Vest Inside) 2020211923
- Video: Kindness on the Streets in NYC (Hutch this one's for you...) 4/17211924
- Video: Catching Kindness: Episode 1 in 10/19211925
- Video: Dance for Kindness 2019 WorldWide Montage (Official)211926
- A review of Rutger Bregman’s new book on human kindness - Humankind - Open Democracy 07.07.20212191