Abuse during childbirth
- Abuse during childbirth - Wikipedia210027
- Australasian Birth Trauma Association210089
- Birth Rights (UK)210116
- Birth Trauma - traumatic birth and life after (Russia)210111
- Birth Trauma Archives - Dr. Sally Pezaro210119
- Birth Trauma Association (UK)210087
- Birth Trauma Association YouTube Channel210093
- Bunting for Birth Rights Project - raising awareness210073
- Childbirth Trauma - PANDA (AU)210088
- European Network of Childbirth Associations (ENCA)210115
- International Week for Respecting Childbirth210122
- Obstetric Justice Project (CA)209999
- Obstetric Violence - May 28210029
- Positive Birth Movement (UK)210011
- Recursos - El Parto Es Nuestro (Spain)209997
- Respectful Maternity Care - Maternal Health Task Force210023
- Respectul Maternity Care Charter: Universal Rights of Women and Newborns210021
- Respectful Maternity Care Resources210022
- Roses Revolution - a global movement against obstetric violence210071
- The Truth About Traumatic Birth210117
- UN: Obstetric violence is a human rights violation - European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health210032
- What is birth trauma anyway? - AIMS (UK)210113
- WHO Statement: Prevention and elimination of disrespect and abuse during childbirth (pdf) - WHO 210028
- ‘Widespread’ sexual abuse of children in entertainment business revealed - Global Issues 05.03.24401186
- Video: Healing birth trauma during COVID pandemic - 25.05.20210094
- Video: Obstetric Violence. By Ibone Olza and Michelle Sadler. Bergen University College. - 23.04.20210092
- Video: How to Advocate for Yourself During & After Birth with Ash Spivak | Nicole Jardim - 20.04.20210096
- Video: What We Can Do About Obstetric Violence and Birth Trauma with Cristen Pascucci - 4.02.20210091
- Video: Breaking The Silence On Croatia's Rising 'Womb Violence' - 1/20210075
- Video: Humanising Birth - 11/19210095
- Video: Talking consent and obstetric violence with Cristen of Birth Monopoly 2/18210069
- Video: Research | Rethinking Obstetric Violence 'Trauma in childbearing in Mexico' 9/17210070
- Video: Tough Talk: Abuse During Childbirth 7/16210026
- Book: Childbirth, Vulnerability and Law: Exploring Issues of Violence and Control 8/19210036
- Book: Birth Trauma: A Guide for You, Your Friends and Family to Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Following Birth 6/13210121
- Obstetrical and gynaecological violence *.pdf - 9/19210041
- Make Mothers Matter Submission For the UN rapporteur on violence against women *.pdf - 5/19210042
- Obstetric Violence *.pdf - Georgetown Law Journal210040
- ‘Nurses sat and watched and did nothing to help me give birth’ -News24 6.06.20210002
- Latin America ponders how to fight “obstetric violence” - Economist 21.05.20210004
- Why ‘normal’ feels so bad: violence and vaginal examinations during labour – a (feminist) phenomenology 28.04.20209998
- Obstetric Violence During COVID-19 Is yet Another Challenge for Indian Women 23.04.20209996
- Video: Know Your Rights in Childbirth with Cristen Pascucci - 13.04.20210097
- What drives abuse of women in childbirth? We asked those providing the care 6.04.20210024
- Spain needs to combat obstetric violence - UN experts 9.03.20210034
- ‘Your Wife is Not a Priority Right Now’: Man Sues Cedars-Sinai Hospital After His Wife Died During C-Section 18.02.20210009
- How women are treated during facility-based childbirth in four countries: a cross-sectional study with labour observations and community-based surveys - The Lancet 11/19210014
- UN Human Rights Expert Recognizes Obstetric Violence as a Human Rights Violation 11/19210035
- New WHO evidence on mistreatment of women during childbirth - WHO 09.10.19210013
- New WHO evidence on mistreatment of women during childbirth - WHO 09.10.19210016
- Why Are Health Care Providers Slapping And Yelling At Mothers During Childbirth? - NPR 10/19210017
- Subtle abuse affects women during childbirth 7/19210025
- A human rights-based approach to mistreatment and violence against women in reproductive health services with a focus on childbirth and obstetric violence *.pdf - 7/19210033
- Witnessing Obstetric Violence during Fieldwork Notes from Latin America 6/19210044
- Disrespect and Abuse in Childbirth and Respectful Maternity Care *.pdf - 2/19210019
- Obstetric violence: a hidden dehumanizing practice, exercised by medical care personnel: Is it a public health and human rights problem? - 2019210030
- Mothers are being abused during childbirth. We need our own #MeToo - 12/18210018
- WHO recommendations: intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience 7/18210012
- There Is a Hidden Epidemic of Doctors Abusing Women in Labor, Doulas Say - Vice 5/18210001
- When the scars begin to heal: narratives of obstetric violence in Chiapas, Mexico 3/18210038
- Respectful maternity care during labor and childbirth and associated factors among women who gave birth at health institutions in the West Shewa zone, Oromia region, Central …210020
- A Violent Birth: Reframing Coerced Procedures During Childbirth as Obstetric Violence 1/18210031
- ‘When helpers hurt’: women’s and midwives’ stories of obstetric violence in state health institutions, Colombo district, Sri Lanka - 2018210037
- Ethics of the delivery room: Who's in control when you're giving birth? 12/17210003
- Experiences and impact of mistreatment and obstetric violence on women during childbearing: a systematic review protocol 3/17210039
- Unaccountable Addressing Reproductive Health Care Gaps - HRW 5/10210010
- #BirthTrauma210112
- #ObstetricViolence210007
- #StopObstetricViolence - twitter210072
- #StopObstetricViolence - instagram210074
- #ViolenciaObstetrica210008
- @BirthBetter - Instagram210120