Body & Sexuality
- 007 Breasts - examining the truth about female breasts209407
- An Annotated Bibliography on Sexual Arousal, Orgasm, and Female Ejaculation in Humans and Animals (Archive)209890
- Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy208351
- Beautiful Cervix Project208579
- Body positivity - Wikipedia208367
- Can Seed Cycling Balance Hormones and Ease Menopause Symptoms?208679
- Christiane Northrup, M.D - YouTube Channel208353
- Deborah Sundahl - leading expert on female ejaculation209887
- Documentary MIAU: Movimiento insurrecto por la autonomía de una misma/women's body autonomy208580
- Dr. Christiane Northup M.D. - women's health expert & visionary health pioneer208341
- Ev'yan Whitney - sexuality doula, a sex educator and facilitator208342
- Fat Acceptance Links - Curlie208366
- Fat acceptance movement - Wikipedia208365
- Fat and Feminist Large Women's Health Experiences - Feminist Women's Health Center208382
- Fat Feminism - Wikipedia208375
- Fat Feminist Herstory, 1969-1993: A Personal Memoir (Archive)208381
- Fat Girls Dance 208383
- Female ejaculation - Wikipedia209882
- Feminist Women’s Health Center208345
- Fix Your Period - workbook and toolkit210124
- Garden of Fertility - Katie Singer208348
- Health at Every Size - NAAFA208372
- Dr. Laurie Mintz - sexuality psychologist208750
- Menopause and Sexuality209127
- Miranda Gray - women's writer, artist, facilitator, menstrual & spiritual teacher208335
- National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA)208364
- Our Bodies - Women's Health Information - Feminist Women's Health Center208327
- Our Bodies, Ourselves - Wikipedia209888
- Self:Cervix - rewriting & reclaiming the cervix as part of our pleasure anatomy208328
- Sexperience UK - Channel 4 (Archive)41190
- Taking Charge of Your Fertility website208350
- Tami Lynn Kent - women's holistic pelvic care & restoring the wild feminine208334
- The Body is Not an Apology - radical self-love for everybody and every body208360
- The Body Positive - listen to your body, learn and thrive208362
- The Sexually Liberated Woman Podcast208343
- Vital Vagina Podcast - YouTube Channel208357
- Whole Woman - an information and support resource for women seeking a legitimate alternative to drugs and surgery208329
- Whole Woman Inc - YouTube Channel208358
- Informing Choices NI260231
- The year that body positivity died - New Statesman 27.12.24447774
- ‘Wellness’ culture has partly replaced beauty culture. But I’m suspicious - Guardian 25.07.23367440
- Motherhood on ice: lack of suitable men drives women to freeze their eggs - Guardian 23.04.23342560
- Women can’t afford period products. Talking about it is key to fixing this shame - Guardian 05.04.23339083
- Not just hot flushes: how menopause can destroy mental health - Guardian 12.01.23324340
- Do sex strikes ever work? We ask an expert - Guardian 04.11.22314577
- The menopause moment: Is all the talk really helping women? - Al Jazeera 29.10.22312785
- Body neutrality: what it is and how it can help lead to more positive body image - Conversation 06.10.22308973
- TikTok’s ‘virginity testing’ obsession proves we’re still fixated on the myths of female sexuality - Independent 20.09.22306224
- Why the body positivity movement risks turning toxic - Conversation 14.09.22308972
- How private is your period-tracking app? Not very, study reveals - Guardian 17.08.22300937
- ‘All bodies are beach bodies’: Spain’s equality ministry launches summer campaign - Guardian 28.07.22297426
- HRT crisis: what’s causing the shortages of menopause treatments? - The Conversation 05.05.22285595
- The sex myth that's centuries old - BBC 19.04.22283511
- ‘She will not become dull and unattractive’: The charming history of menopause and HRT - Guardian 18.01.22270588
- Fertility, porn, imagination… it’s time for a new approach to sex education - Guardian 09.11.21260824
- ‘We have to better support women’: MP leading the fight on menopause - Guardian 18.10.21258493
- Timpson praised for offering to pay for HRT prescriptions for staff - Guardian 18.10.21258480
- Stop making the menopause into a brand! It’s about healthcare, not money - Guardian 17.10.21258168
- Women have struggled to get help with the menopause for decades but it’s about to change - Guardian 06.10.21262055
- Revisited: the clitoris coverup – why do we know so little? - Guardian 01.01.21231862
- 'It destroys lives': why the razor-blade pain of vaginismus is so misunderstood - Guardian 31.08.20216152
- Video: Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom with Dr. Christiane Northrup 5/20208355
- Video: A Conversation About the Clitoris with Dr. Laurie Mintz 2/20208751
- Video: Mayan Abdominal Self-Massage for Fertility 12/19208359
- Video: The Complicated World of Body Positivity (a mini documentary) 10/19208361
- Video: A new sexual revolution for orgasm equality | Laurie Mintz | TEDxUF 7/19208752
- Video: ROOT with Tami Lynn Kent, MSTP 4/19208356
- Video: The Never-Ending Orgasm (Full Documentary) | Only Human 11/18208326
- Video: The Big O: A Female Quest for Pleasure (Full Documentary) | Only Human 10/1841196
- Video: The Vagina Whisperer | Tami Lynn Kent | TEDxPortland 7/18208354
- Video: Feminism and Fat Activism 3/13208376
- Book: A New View of a Woman's Body (Federation of Feminist Women's Health Center)208344
- Book: Come as You Are : The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life (Emily Nagoski)208333
- Book: Fat Oppression and Psychotherapy: A Feminist Perspective (Laura Brown)208378
- Book: Holistic Anatomy: An Integrative Guide to the Human Body (Pip Waller)208346
- Book: Honoring Our Cycles: A Natural Family Planning Workbook (Katie Singer)208347
- Book: Red Moon (Miranda Gray)208332
- Book: Kunyaza: The Secret to Female Pleasure - 2018209886
- Book: Saving the Whole Woman: Natural Alternatives to Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Urinary Incontinence (Christine Ann Kent)208330
- Book: Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health (Toni Weschler)208349
- Book: Our Sexuality (Robert L. Crooks, Karla Baur)41209
- Book: You have the right to remain fat (Virgie Tovar)208380
- Book: Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body (Tami Lynn Kent)208331
- Book: The Fifth Vital Sign: The Menstrual Cycle Isn't Just About Having Babies 1/19209268
- Book: Shadow on a Tightrope: Writings by Women on Fat Oppression ( Lisa Schoenfielder, Barb Wieser)208377
- Book: Bare Reality: 100 Women, Their Breasts, Their Stories (Laura Dodsworth)208584
- Book: Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing (Christiane Northrup M.D.)208340
- Book: Womanhood: The Bare Reality (Laura Dodsworth)208583
- Book: Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters--And How to Get It 5/17208749
- Book: The Clitoral Truth: The Secret World at Your Fingertips - 2012209883
- Book: Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot - 2014209884
- Book: The Goddess Orgasm: Empowered Sex for Today's Woman - 2005209889
- Book: The story of V: a natural history of female sexuality - 2004209885
- Book: Fat Girl on a Plane (Kelly de Vos)208370
- Menopause brain: the inability to think clearly is not ‘all in your mind’ - Guardian 09.10.21257379
- Sexuality education in Ghana’s schools: some answers to ‘when’ and ‘what’ - Conversation 11.04.21241189
- Seed Cycling: I tried it. (And dug into the research on whether it works.) 27.01.20208678
- 22 LGBTQ Books About Sex, Feminism, and Intersectional Desires 31.12.19208384
- Every question you ever had about female ejaculation, answered 8.05.19209891
- Me and my vulva: 100 women reveal all 9.02.19208581