- World Future Council Endorses "Friday for Future" Movement - World Future Council187548
- How Fridays for Future keeps the climate relevant as other crises rage - DW 25.03.22281377
- China's First Fridays for Future Sees Teen Planting Trees - EcoWatch 30.10.19190961
- UN Chief Emboldens the 'Fridays for Future' Climate Movement - InDepthNews 03.19187555
- Over 200 'Fridays for Future' climate demos taking place in Germany - The Local 15.03.19188016
- In Politics: How ‘Fridays for Future’ became a rallying cry for young Germans around climate policy - KCRW Berlin 08.02.19188017
- Publication: Fridays for Future Profil, Entstehung und Perspektiven der Protestbewegung in Deutschland - ipb working paper 02.19188025