- YouTube153095
- Green Party candidate Jill Stein visits Huntsville - Fox54 07/24426485
- Green Party Jill Stein On RISING! - The Hill 07/24426484
- Jill Stein: “Kamala Harris has no one to blame but herself” - Middle East Eye 05.11.24442246
- Video: US candidate Jill Stein: ‘It is the US that is conducting this genocide, with Israel as its proxy’ - Middle East Eye 05.11.24442245
- Jill Stein's remark about a homeland for Jewish people did not refer to Poland - USA Today 06.05.24426479
- Jill Stein assaulted, arrested at Washington University: Rising interview - The Hill 01.05.24426480
- 'I was not thinking about getting arrested': Stein speaks out after protest arrest - CNN 29.04.24426481
- Jill Stein Handcuffed by Police at College Protest - News Week 28.04.24426478
- Jill Stein at protest: This is about freedom of speech - CNN 28.04.24426477
- Green Party's Jill Stein campaigns in Wisconsin - Fox6 12.03.24426483
- Jill Stein Announces Presidential Green Party Candidacy, Decries Failed 'Wall Street' Parties - The Hill 12/23426486
- 'All bets are off': Jill Stein says America needs a third party president - Politico 22.11.23426482
- Dr. Jill Stein: Americans Are SICK of "Empire and Oligarchy" - The Hill 19.11.23426487
- Video: Jill Stein vs. Ben Jealous - Should Progressives Reject Hillary Clinton & Vote Green? – Democracy Now 7/16153099
- The Empire Files: Abby Martin with Dr. Jill Stein - Symptoms of a Sick Society - teleSUR 04.04.16153100
- Dr Jill Stein | Full Talk and Q&A | Oxford Union 24.03.16153101
- Green Party on Sanders' Health Care Plan - Real News 01.02.16153105
- Jill Stein on Bernie Sanders and the 'Lesser Evil' Argument 16.01.16153106
- Green Party of the United States: Candidate Jill Stein on 2016 Presidency 28.12.15153107
- Jill Stein: Why 40 Million Young Americans Should Vote Green And Why You're Worth More Than A Banker 22.12.15153109
- The Young Turks: Jill Stein on Bernie, Hillary, and the Green New Deal 21.12.15153110
- The Green Party's Jill Stein Tells Cenk Uygur Why the Democratic Party Will Torpedo Bernie Sanders 21.12.15153111
- Jill Stein (radio) interview 21.01.16153115
- Exclusive: Green Party’s Jill Stein Announces She Is Running for President on Democracy Now! 6/15153116
- Jill Stein on Peace and Paradigm Shifts 8/14153121
- People's State of the Union: A GREEN New Deal for America - Vimeo (2012)153122
- Third-Party presidential debate: Gary Johnson vs Jill Stein - RT America 11/12153123
- Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala on Third-Party Politics - Bill Moyers 9/12153127
- Open up the debates: Green Party’s Jill Stein Accuses Democrats & GOP of Rigging Debate Rules – Democracy Now 18.08.16153128