Presidential Election Polls 2004
- Marist Poll: National 8/04108654
- Harvard poll shows students favor Kerry over Bush 4/04108655
- Public Divided on Bush - Gallup 3/04108656
- Poll shows Democratic race tightening - CNN 1/04108658
- Mark Shields: A little perspective, please - CNN 12/03108659
- Gore's backing propels Dean 12/03108660
- Register your opinion on election issues (?)108661
- White House 2004: General Election - PollingReport108662
- 2004 Election Guide - Maps108663
- Democrats 2004 - PollingReport (until 2/04)108664
- NowChannel 11/04108665
- Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Election 2004108666
- Dave Leip's Atlas - U.S. Presidential Predictions 2004108667
- RealClear Politics - Polls !108668
- 2004 Presidential Ballot - americanresearchgroup (Archive)108670
- Election 2004 Polls - Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections108671
- First Impressions of the Candidates (Archive)108672
- IPSOS News & Polls (archive 4/07)108673
- - Participate in the 2004 US Presidential Election108675
- US Election Polls - BBC108676
- Washington Post - Charting the Campaign108677
- PEW Research Center - Reports Index108678
- WSJ Battleground States Poll108679
- FOXNews - Opinion Poll: How is George W Bush doing as president ?108680
- Los Angeles Times - Election 2004 (Archive)108681
- Poll shows Kucinich ahead in Cleveland Mayoral Primary; voters are engaged, ready for change - News5Cleveland 11.08.21 108682
- Daly Thoughts and Dales' Electoral College Breakdown 2004108683
- Campaigns and Elections Magazine - The Oddsmaker (Archive)108684
- Presidential Election Polls 2004 - Democratic Convention Guide Boston 2004108685