- German Cyclist’s Association / Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club - ADFC eng141981
- hamburgize - Germany141982
- citical mass141986
- Critical Mass Germany - it started with a fight141987
- critical mass - Erfurt141988
- Bike for Peace and New Energies - Germany141992
- Monnem Bike - Mannheim - ger, eng141993
- Human powered Vehicles - Germany141994
- Deutsches Fahrradmuseum - Bad Brückenau141998
- Velo City Aachen141999
- Velophil - Zeit online blog142000
- Fahrrad Zukunft142003
- ADFC-Fahrradklima-Test 2014142004
- mitRADgelegenheit142009
- Fahrradsternfahrt - Mobil ohne Auto142010
- Fahrradsternfahrt - Cologne142011
- Veloyo - Your Mobile Bicycle Repair - Hamburg, Germany - eng, ger142015
- Eurobike Show (Germany)142016