General Info / Key Resources
- The truth about the UK’s debt: 10 key facts - Jubilee Debt Campaign 27.11.17139827
- Book: The Violence of Austerity - Pluto Press139828
- Book: The Ministry of Nostalgia: Consuming Austerity - Verso Books 01/17139829
- NEF - Why the Fiscal Charter makes no economic sense139833
- NEF: Framing the economy: the austerity story !139834
- The austerity delusion: The case for cuts was a lie. Why does Britain still believe it? (Paul Krugman) - Guardian !139835
- PCS - Inequality: The price of austerity139839
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Research on Austerity139840
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation - Austerity in Birmingham139841
- False Economy - Why the Cuts are the Wrong Cure139845
- Film: I, Daniel Blake !139846
- Video: 'The Climate of Fear Is Unacceptable' - Ken Loach on I, Daniel Blake139847
- JWT Austerity Index139851
- Austerity Audit (Interactive Map) - FT139852
- Economic Justice Project139853
- Econo...what139857
- UK in breach of international human rights (Centre for Welfare Reform)139858
- Video: "All in This Together:" Benefit Claimants Challenging the Conservative Lie139859
- The Hidden Welfare State - Films for Action139864
- Austerity is far more than just cuts. It’s about privatising everything we own - Guardian (May 2016)139865
- George Osborne is a Victorian values revolutionary. Welcome to his Brave Old World - Telegraph 07/15139869
- Spending Review 2010 - Key Points at a Glance - Guardian139870
- The Year in Review: AUSTERITY - Britain has become a land of BROKEN PROMISES - Independent 12/10 (must read)139871
- Government spending by department, 2009-10: get the data - Guardian 10/10139874
- CUTSWATCH Map: public sector cuts across the UK - Guardian139875
- Guardian - Spending Review 2010139876
- Spending Review (UK) - Wikipedia139879
- The cost of privatised living (We Own It)139880
- @We_OwnIt222750
- June 2010 United Kingdom Budget - Wikipedia139881
- UK Budget - Wikipedia139885
- June 2010 United Kingdom Budget - Wikipedia139886
- George Osborne (Chancellor of the Exchequer) - Wikipedia139887
- Defense Spending - official numbers139891
- Countering the cuts myths - Red Pepper 1/11139892
- FactCheck: The Truth about the public sector pensions row !139893
- The Revolution Will Be Televised ! - BBC Three139897
- £ 100 BILLION over 10 years = Cost of Decommissioning NUCLEAR PLANTS139898
- Cut the war not the poor: BBC's Nick Robinson loses his cool - Video139899