Arms Industry
- Top 100 Contractors of the U.S. Federal Government - Wikipedia 47769
- Largest arms-producing and military services companies worldwide in 2020, by arms sales - Statista 05.08.2247770
- Microsoft wins U.S. Army contract for augmented reality headsets, worth up to $21.9 billion over 10 years - CNBC 31.03.21240752
- Also selling arms to the U.S. military, only far more so, only it's far less acceptable to say. - David Swanson on Twitter 10.12.20229153
- Newsbud Exclusive- DOD Spent $1,301,715,000+ on 14 Contracts Pertaining to Drones in December 2017 - Newsbud 05.01.1847771
- Billion-Dollar Babies: Five Stealth Pentagon Contractors Reaping Billions of Tax Dollars 6/0847772
- US: Billions over Baghdad; The Spoils of War - Corp Watch 01.10.0747773
- Top of the Pops - Pentagon Style 200147774
- Welfare for Weapons Dealers ! - The Hidden Costs of the Arms Trade - Archive47775
- Welfare for Weapons Dealers !47776
- U.S. Defense Contractors - CDI47777
- The War Profiteers: How Are Weapons Manufacturers Faring in the War?47778
- Lobbying Strategies - Arms Maker's Cozy Relationship with the Government !47779
- Southland Defense Industry Quietly Heeds War's Drumbeat 9/0247780