- Act on Climate - Canada162767
- Climate Action Network - Canada162769
- Citizens Climate Lobby162770
- Citizens Environmental Alliance162771
- Toronto Climate Campaign162775
- Zero Carbon Ontario162776
- BC Sustainable Energy Association394704
- Canadian Youth Climate Coalition162777
- Climate Change Lawyers Network - a forum for lawyers with an interest in climate change to share, educate and advocate162781
- Climate Strike Canada - tw196839
- Climate Reality Project162782
- Earth Future (Canada)162783
- Oekosocialism - Canada162787
- Canada doubles contribution to UN climate science panel - Guardian 16.09.17162788
- Quebec City climate-change march draws 25,000 people 4/15162789
- British Columbia Environmental Network457985
- Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN)457986
- Canadian Institute of Forestry457987
- Quebec's Association Against Atmospheric Pollution457988
- Quebec Business Council on the Environment (CPEQ)458048
- Equiterre458049
- Environmental Youth Alliance458050
- Environmental Law Centre (Alberta)458051
- Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade458052
- Emerging Leaders for Clean Energy458053
- Fisheries Council of Canada458054
- Ecology Action Centre458055
- One Drop Foundation458056
- Rooftops Canada458110
- Pollution Probe458158
- Green Club458159
- Green Hope Foundation458160
- Parvati Foundation 458161
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - CPAWS458162
- Global Campaign for Climate Action458163
- The Ocean Foundation458164
- Planetary Association for Clean Energy458196
- Pender Islands Conservancy Association458197
- One Earth Initiative Society458198
- Noble Institution for Environmental Peace458199
- Foundation for Environmental Stewardship458200
- Centre international Unisfera458258
- Turtle Island Earth Services (TIES)458259
- World Green Building Council458260
- Environmental Youth Alliance458261